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dc.contributor.authorHadinagoro, Ronni I.S.R.
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dc.description.abstractGrowth and development of human needs cause very significant changes in land use. Conversion to residential, and infrastructure have started reaching complementary upland conservation areas and even the impact on the reduction of infiltration area by the building due to water-resistant/unpermeable layers. Crisis on water resources in the form of reduction in ground water and flood in the lower land area due to significant increasing the flow of surface water run off during rains will be occured as an impact of such reduction of infiltration area. Therefore, it is necessary to study the types of buildings to reduce the negative impact of development, especially related to the crisis of water resources and land. The observation of the behavior of land infiltration that on average during the first 50 minutes, the soil will be able to absorb rainwater. Such time is very helpful infiltration of water into the soil if the soil surface of open land available to absorb water.To reduce the area of the closure of the land, the various types of buildings should be designed in order to minimize the Building Base Coverage Ratio.The study in this research recommends the types of buildings in the style of houses on stilts, flyovers, drainage of grass ditch will be able to reduce the size of the closure of up to 97 % catchment area.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectBuilding Base Coverage Ratioen_US
dc.titleA Study On Alternative Building Design In Solving The Limitation Of Water Resourcesen_US

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