Pengaruh Penambahan Clean Set Cement (CS-60) Pada Stabilisasi Tanah Gambut Terhadap Parameter Kuat Gesernya
In KalimantanIsland as other islands in Indonesia, there are located peat land or peaty land. One of the nature of peat
land is that peat land has a very low bearing capacity. Therefore if civil structures such as a highway, dam, railway,
airport and seaport, and buildings built on them, then the peat land must be improved or stabilized to increase the
technical properties of the peat land.
To increase the technical properties the peat land can be stabilized by adding additive namely clean set cement type
CS-60. 5%, 10% and 15%. Curing time varied from 1 day, 3 days, 7 days. There are two variables that must be tested
namely inner shear and cohesion. Those variables are tested through Direct Shear and UU Triaxial Tests.
From those tested it was found very high water content (w), low weight of volume (γ), low specific gravity (Gs).
Based on USCS Classification, the peat land is classified as peat land with high organic content namely as A-8 group
in AASHTO chart. Also it was found that there were a significant increase in direct shear and triaxial for peat land
mixed with clean set cement CS-60 type.