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dc.contributor.authorYusuf, M.
dc.identifier.citation[1] Manuaba, A. 1990. Beban Tugas Untuk Prajurit Dikaitkan With Norma Ergonomi di Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Tentang Ergonomi di Lingkungan ABRI. Jakarta. 20 Pebruari. [2] Pheasant, S. 1991. Ergonomics, Work and Health. London : Macmillan Academic Professional Ltd. [3] Kroemer, K.H.E., and Grandjean, E. 2000. Fiting the Task to the Human, 4 ed. Taylor & Francis Inc. London. [4] Irawan & Suparmoko. 2002. Ekonomika Pembangunan. Yogyakarta : BPFE Universitas Gajah Mada. [5] Sutjana, D.P. 1998. “Peningkatan Produktivitas kerja Penyabit Padi Menggunakan Sabit th Bergerigi” (tesis). Denpasar : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana. [6] Kerana, TJ., Suyasning, HI., and Manuaba, A. 1997. The affect of postural load and environmental conditions to Balinese farmers physical performance. Procedings of ASEAN Ergonomics 97, 5 th SEAS Conference, 518523. Malaysia: IEA Press. [7] Manuaba, A. & Kamiel Vanwonterghem. 1996. Improvemnet of quality of life: determination of exposure limits for physical strenuous task under tropical condition. Dept. Of Physical School of Medecine Udayana UniversityCERGO International Brussels. Belgium. The Commission of The European Communities Brussel, Belgium. [8] Gilad And Rempel. 1993. Ergonomic Evaluation of Fine Manual Operation. The Ergonomics of Manual Work. USA : Taylor & Francis. [9] Kadefors, R. 1993. A Model for Assessment and Design of Workplaces for Manual Welding. The Ergonomics of Manual Work. Taylor & Francis. USA. [10] Manuaba, A., 2005, Accelerating OHSErgonomics Program By Integrating ’Built-In” Within The Industry’s Economic Development Scheme Is A Must-With Special Attention To Small And Medium Enteprises (SMEs), Proceedings the 21st Annual Conference of The Asia Pasific Occupational Safety & Health Organization, Bali, 5-8 September. [11] Adiputra, N, Sutjana D.P. & Manuaba, A. 2000. Ergonomicss Intervention in Small Scale Industry in Bali. Dalam : Lim, KY ed. Proceding of the Joint Conference of APCHI and ASEAN Ergonomics, Singapore. [12] Azmi, N., Maretani, M. 2001. Perbaikan Posisi Kerja Mengurangi Keluhan Subjektif gangguan Muskuloskeletal pada Pekerja Helpen di CV PM Bogor. The Indonesian Journal of Ergonomics. Vol.2 No.2 : 67 – 74.en_US
dc.description.abstractFinishing process of workmanship on jewel stone at small scale industry of jewelry crafting in Subagan village Karangasem was polishing. This process was done manually by working posture were cross-legged sitting on the floor. This awkward working posture (cross-legged sitting) caused increase workload. High work load can decrease production and productivity. To solve these problems, increase productivity and income of craftsmen, the improvement effort should done by design of jewel stone sharpener in order to could be able to use as polishing tools of jewelry and then improve according to ergonomics approach. The research was conducted on 16 jewel craftsmen by "treatment by subject design" and three treatments methods. Work load was measured by using work heart rate which was count using ten pulses methods. Work productivity was assessed by amount of product per pulse rate. The data were analysed by using t pired test at significant level 5%. Results were showed as follows: significant of difference (p < 0.05) of work load, subjective disorders, and work productivity between control (T0) and treatments (T1). The average of work load on T0 and T1 were 104.29 ± 4.65 beats/minute and 88.64 ± 2.33 beats/minute or decreased 15.0%. And then the average of work productivity on T0 and T1 were 0.01002 ± 0.00042 and 0.05801 ± 0.00207 or increased 478,9%. Its can be concluded that T1 give larger decreased of work load and give larger increased of productivity compared with T0. That is why, it was recommended the design of jewel stone sharpener should be used by workmanship in polishing the jewel stone and ergonomics work station.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectJewel Stone Sharpener Designen_US
dc.subjectWork Loaden_US
dc.subjectSubjective disorderen_US
dc.titleDesign of Jewel Stone Sharpener to Increase Jewel Worker Work Productivity in Balien_US

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