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dc.contributor.authorHendro PH
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dc.description.abstractHow much energy prediction can be produced very important in electric energy markets. Electrical energy was sold before the actual energy produced is very important for the economic balance a power companies. Thus require analysis of wind speed as a potential source of energy. Analysis of wind speed were calculated using Sugeno’s fuzzy with wind speed data based on the 24-year period data. An analysis of wind energy, the output value is based an analysis with assumes a constant density atmosphere, where is density of the air has a fixed value from sea surface level to top atmosphere. The model of Sugeno’s fuzzy wind prediction system designed for first order, second order, third order, fourth order, twelfth order and twelfth order modified. Overall models can not follow pattern of data test. Then selected models Sugeno’s fuzzy twelfth order, because have a small RMSE values. Furthermore, the wind speed prediction system and analysis of wind energy are designed using Graphic User Interface (GUI) in Matlab R2013a. Results are based variable height from ground level, shows that the value of wind energy potential in Gunung Kidul higher than Bantul and Kulon Progo.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectWind Velocityen_US
dc.subjectFuzzy Logicen_US
dc.subjectForecasting and Class of Energyen_US
dc.titleAnalysis Of Wind Speed South Sea As a Potential Source Of Renewable Energy D.I Yogyakarta Based On Satellite Remote Sensing Data Using Fuzzy Logicen_US

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