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dc.contributor.authorAmarudin, A
dc.identifier.citation[1] P. P. Nugroho, "Pengembangan Model Single Sign-On untuk layanan Internet dan Proxy IPB," S1, Ilmu Komputer Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2012. [2] Ahsan, "Membangun SSO Server Untuk Implementasi Single Sign ON," ed, 2011. [3] S. Xiong, "Web Single Sign-On System For WRL Company," 2005, p. 79. [4] K. Aaslund, "Central Authentication Service (CAS)," 2007. [5] A. Pavlenko and I. Chicago. (2013, 28 MAret 2014). concept of CAS authentication - Penelusuran Google. Available: casdiagram_large/#.UzTsYfmSy8Q [6] O. Priawadi. (2012). Definisi atau pengertian dari Spamming, Hacking, Malcious Software (Malware), Snooping, Sniffing, Spoofing, Pharming, Defacing, Phising dan Jamming. Available: html [7] H. Yinghui and L. Guanyu, "A Semantic Analysis for Internet of Things," in Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), 2010 International Conference on, 2010, pp. 336-339. [8] W. E.Lewis, Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement: Auerbach Publication, 2005.en_US
dc.description.abstractWeb application development demanding user applications to manage users and passwords application system as well indirectly, so as not to be abused by not authorized parties. User account security methods have been tried to solve the problem. Including by implementing authentication service on Single Sign On (SSO) network, applying Server Radius as captive portal authentication, and by building a CAS Server as authentication Center and with each others methods by programming languages variety. This research was conducted by means of experimenting to make a CAS Server as authentication center that built with PHP programming language. Aside from that, this paper also describes how to test the performance of CAS Server by using tools hacking application (Apache Banch). The tools hacking application can run on Linux Ubuntu operating system. Whereas the methods used in this testing is black box methods (functional testing). The results showed that CAS Servers have been built as a authentication center in Single Sign On (SSO) network was able to respond requests maximum for users as much as 4.490.000 request, for a total time of request 5.406,568 ms (5 seconds). Thus CAS Server that has been built is very suitable to handle the user request is less than 4.490.000 request.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectSingle Sign On (SSO)en_US
dc.subjectCAS Serversen_US
dc.titleImplementation of CAS Server as Authentication Protocol on Single Sign-On (SSO) Network With PHP Programmingen_US

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