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dc.contributor.authorInayah Ihdaniyati, Atina
dc.contributor.authorNur A, Winarsih
dc.identifier.citationAlwisol, 2006, Psikologi Kepribadian, UMM Press : Malang Atkinson, R.L., & Bem D.J., 1997, Pengantar Psikologi, Edisi Kedua, Interaksara : Jakarta. Black, J.M., & Hawks, J.K., 2005, Medical Surgical Nursing : Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes, Volume II, 7th Edition, Elsevier’s Health Sciences Right Departement : Philadelphia. Kelliat, A.B., 1999, Penatalaksanaan Stress, EGC : Jakarta. Marwiati, 2005, Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Dengan Strategi Koping Pada Keluarga Yang Salah Satu Anggota Keluarga Dirawat Dengan Penyakit Jantung, STIKES Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran : Semarang. (Skripsi) Tidak dipublikasikan. Niven, N., 2002, Psikologi Kesehatan : Pengantar Untuk Perawat dan Profesional Kesehatan Lain, Edisi Kedua, EGC : Jakarta. Nursalam, 2003, Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan, Salemba Medika : Jakarta. Prasetyo, D.H., 2006, Psikoneuro- imunologi Untuk Keperawatan, UNS Press : Surakarta. Prawirohusodo, 1998, Kumpulan Makalah Simposium Stress dan Kecemasan, FKUGM : Yogyakarta. Rilantono, dkk, 2004, Buku Ajar Kardiologi, Edisi Kelima, FKUI : Jakarta. Sani, A., 2007, Heart Failure : Current Paradigm, Cetakan Pertama, Medya Crea : Jakarta. Smeltzer, S.C., 2001, Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Edisi Kedelapan, Volume I, EGC : Jakarta. Sugiyono, 2005, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, Cetakan Ketujuh, CV.ALFABETA : Bandung. Stuart & Sundeen, 1998. Prinsip dan Praktik Psikiatrik (Terjemahan), EGC : Jakarta. Zaviera, F., 2007, Teori Kepribadian Sigmund Freud, Prismasophie : Yogyakartaen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground : Anxiety on congestive heart failure patient resulted because they experience out of breath and chest pain so they tend to concerned. Anxiety could motivate the individual to appropriate with to stressor and conduct an action to correct it. Coping mechanism is the result of an individual action to face of the stressor. When individual could face the stressor very well, it will deliver the adaptive coping. But when individual unable to find the good solution, it will conduct the maladaptive coping. Target of research : To know the relation between anxiety level with the coping mechanism on congestive heart failure patient. Research method : This Research has the non-experimental character with the descriptive method of correlation use the cross sectional approach. Sampling techniques which used are accidental sampling with the total samples are 30 responders. Validity test use the Product Moment test and reliability test use the Alpha Cronbach test. For data analysis, it uses the Kendal tau-b test with test of normality data use the z test. Result of research : Result of Kendal tau-b correlation analysis indicate that the count value equal to -0,745 with the probability 0,000 (p<0, 05). Then, significance test use the z test with the result 5,782 which for the N=30, value of z table is 1, 96. It’s mean the value of z count > z table . The results indicate that there is a capable and significant of negative relation between anxiety level with the coping mechanism.en_US
dc.subjectanxiety levelen_US
dc.subjectcoping mechanismen_US
dc.subjectcongestive heart failureen_US

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