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dc.contributor.authorHaryati, Sri Puji
dc.identifier.citationFinch Curtis and Clinkton R John (1993), Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical Education, Planning, content, implimentation Boston : Allyn and Bacon. Munandar, Utami. (2009). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendiknas. (2010). Pengenbangan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan; Bahan Pelatihan Penguatan Metodologi Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Budaya untuk Membentuk Daya Saing dan Karakter Bangsa. Jakarta : Dokumen. Rosida Syamwil, (2004). Optimalisasi Unit Produksi dan Unit Usaha sebagai Alternatif tempat Palatihan Keterampilan hidup dan Enterpreunerial Skill, Proceedings Konvensi Nasional Aptekinda II dan Temu Larya XIII FT/FPTK/JPTJK Universitas/IKIP se-Indonesia Jakarta. Rizqidiaz. (2011). Kreativitas dalam Wirausaha. Diakses hari Rabu, tanggal 11 September 2013, Pukul 4.51 WIB dari: html Sudrajat, Akhmad. 2011. Konsep Kewirausahaan dan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan di Sekolah. Diakses tanggal 16 Desember 2013 dari: Syahdiardin. (2007). Unit Produksi, Bentuk Badan Usaha dan Manfaatnya bagi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Diakses tanggal 9 Juni 2007 dari:
dc.description.abstractThe research aims are to: 1) increase students' creativity entrepreneurship Catering 1 Class XII in treating waste as a business opportunity thorns milkfish through the utilization of Production Unit of SMK Negeri 3 Pati and 2) determine the magnitude of the increase in Class XII student entrepreneurship creativity Catering 1 after using Production Unit of SMK Negeri 3 Pati. The method used is descriptive, the technique of classroom action research through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The pprinciples of recycling activity/procedures are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Research held at SMK Negeri 3 Pati, with as many as 31 research subjects. Techniques of data collection are: observation, interviews, field notes, documentation. This study uses an interactive analysis that consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The research results showed that there is an increase in entrepreneurial creativity of each cycle, as seen in the first cycle the average value of creativity in entrepreneurship is 81% (the category of "creative") once held the second cycle to 94% (the category of "very creative"), so that there is an increase in by 13%. In conclusion empowerment Production Unit Schools can improve the creativity of class XII student entrepreneurship Catering 1 in creating business opportunities through waste treatment milkfish.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectbusiness opportunitiesen_US
dc.subjectcreativity in entrepreneurshipen_US
dc.subjectwaste milkfishen_US
dc.subjectschool production unitsen_US
dc.titleBoga 1 dalam Pengolahan Limbah Bandeng sebagai Peluang Usaha Melalui Unit Produksi di SMK Negeri 3 Patien_US

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