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dc.contributor.authorIndrawati, Indrawati
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dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractThe process of the uniquely rural-historical settlement landscape forming is the knowledge resources must be inquiry. Majasto village is the one from many rural settlement with that characteristic. Through this inquiry we hope the objective research can be explore, that is to understanding the landscape settlement forming process of Majasto, primary in: (1) Positioning the Kraton Paguron Majasto in time and Islamic – Javanese Kingdom historical contect; (2) The growth of the settlement function from early birth until now; and (3) The influent factors of settlement landscape characteristic forming in contemporary context. After observation and text analysis the peopple stories (mith and legend) used the content analysis method, found 3 the conclusion that are: (1) The early of the Majasto settlement have the education function (Islamic - Javanese boarding = padepokan) in Kraton Paguron Majasto institution, birth suround 1475, growth in Demak era and stay exis in Pajang era; (2) The settlement growth influent by: (a) Location linkage with the surounding; (b) External personal factor (Sunan Kalijaga) and internal personal factor (Ki Ageng Majasto) booth of them have the high power to influent the foundamentaly and specific public policies (to build the center of education/ Islamic – Javanese boarding in Majasto; and (c) The first, Majasto is the education function in mainly, and then develope and growth become the settlement area. The last (thirth), in contemporary context, landscape pattern forming by intangible aspect that is visit in the grave tradition (ziarah).en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectCultural Landscapeen_US
dc.subjectRural Settlementen_US
dc.subjectIslamic-Javanese Boardingen_US
dc.titlePembentukan Lanskap Permukiman Perdesaan Berbasis Padepokan Bernuansa Islam di Desa Majastoen_US

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