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dc.contributor.authorBudi, Sadar Pakarti
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dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at researching the structural model for the development of tourist destination competitiveness which data was collected by purposive sampling technique to tourists visiting tourist areas. The research method of structural equation modeling (SEM) and LISREL 8.81 for Windows were used for this structural model analysis. The study results show that the quality of tourist destinations is especially influenced by human resources competency, site facilities and infrastructure, and cultural attractions. In turn, the tourism destination image is contributed by the quality of tourist destinations as well as by intensive marketing, cleanliness and health standards. Business competitiveness is influenced by the quality and the image of these destinations with a main emphasis on the development of cooperation. In the city which had attractions, the most important component of tourist destination competitiveness was human resources.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.titleModel Struktural Pengembangan Daya Saing Destinasi Wisata Studi Kasus Kota Jakartaen_US

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