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dc.contributor.authorLutfa, Umi
dc.contributor.authorMaliya, Arina
dc.identifier.citationAzwar, A. (1991). Latar Belakang Kepentingan Informed Consent bagi Profesi Kedokteran. Jakarta: Forum Diskusi Informeed Consent. Gale S.A., & Charette D.E. (1999). Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan Onkologi. Jakarta: EGC. Hasan M (2002). Metodologi Penelitian dan Aplikasinya. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia. Aziz H. (2001). Pendidikan Kesehatan dalam keperawatan. Jakarta: EGC. Kaplan J.B., & Sadock T.C. (1997). Sinopsis Psikiatri, Ilmu Pengetahuan Perilaku Psikiatri Klinis, Edisi ke tujuh, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Keliat, B.A. (1999). Penatalaksanaan Stress. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran: EGC. Kozier B.,& Erb G. (1991). Fundamentals of Nursing : Conxcepts and Procedurs, Addition Wesley – Publishing Company – California Long B.C. (1996). Perawatan Medical Bedah, suatu pendekatan proses keperawatan 2, Yayasan IAPK, Padjajaran Bandung. Maramis,W.E (1998), Catatan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. Nursalam., & Pariani S. (2001), Pendekatan Praktis Metodologi Riset Keperawatan, Jakarta: Indomedika. Santoso S. (2000). Latihan Analisis Statistik dengan menggunakan Program SPSS 11. Jakarta: Elek Media Komputindo. Sastroasmoro S., & Ismail S. (1997) Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinik, Jakarta: FKUI. Smeltzer, S.C. (2001). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medical bedah (Edisi 8). Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Stuart R.F., & Sundeen P.C. (1998). Buku Saku Keperawatan Jiwa . Diterjemahkan oleh Achir Yani S Jakarta: EGC. Sudjana. (1992). Metoda statistika. Bandung: Tarsito. Sugiyono, (2006). Statistika untuk penelitian, Bandung: Alfabeta. Sukardja, (1996). Onkologi Klinik, Surabaya: Airlangga University Pressen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground of The Study. Feeling worry at patient of cancer because them in fear of impact that happened, for example change of body image and death. Worry about the death can cause annoyed of medication process. Anticipated a patient age, education, frequency of chemotherapy and mount the adaptation have an effect on to patient dread in experiencing chemotherapy. Objective of Research. The target of this research are wish to know the influence patient age to storey; level of patient dread, mount the patient education to storey; level of patient dread, previous patient frequency about chemotherapy to storey; level of patient dread, and mount the patient adaptation to storey; level of patient dread. Research of Method. Research use the descriptive correlative design. Research conducted at Dr. Moewardi Hospital of Surakarta. The population of this research are 410 patient. Sample of the research are 44 patient. The technique of sampling is proportional sampling. Conclusions. Research result are: (1) the storey level dread of patient of chemotherapy at RSUD Dr. Moewardi are middle, that are counted 50% from totalizing responder, (2) there didn’t influence of patient age to dread storey level, ( 3) there didn’t influence of education of patient to storey level dread of patient, (4) there didn’t influence of frequency of patient about chemotherapy to storey ;level dread of patient of chemotherapy, and ( 5) there are influence of patient adaptation about chemotherapy to storey level dread of patient of chemotherapy at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakartaen_US

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