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dc.contributor.authorPrihatin, Joko Yunianto
dc.contributor.authorSuhartoyo, Suhartoyo
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dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractMojolaban is place at ceramic roof tile center in Sukoharjo, Central of Java, Indonesia. They have 782 unit industry that 2500 human worker with approximatelly 350.000 pcs/month of ceramic roof tile product. ( This Ceramic roof tile product have special quality with better than aanother place. At this momment early have main probblem in decreased quality, almost influenced from leak mixing process at machine. They have 15% line leak , broken of ceramic roof tile product, so influence to decrease trust costumers to buy and use this ceramic roof tile product. To reach solution at this problem are applied join analysis ATW academision and ceramic unit industry together. That main object analysis are speed engine, rol distance and dimension, kaolin composition at mixing process to dependent from strength pressure and absorb liquid of ceramic roof tile. The main expectation from this analysis are reached many factor variable that influenced, optimal composition at mixing process and compariton value ceramic roof tile performance at last and before that.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectMixing Processen_US
dc.subjectCeramic Roof Tileen_US
dc.titleKajian Kualitas Genteng Terhadap Pengaruh Variasi Kaolin Pada Mesin Pelumaten_US

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