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dc.contributor.authorVanda, Yoiceta
dc.contributor.authorCahyono, Setyawan Ary
dc.identifier.citationAnwas, O. M., 2003, Model Inovasi e- Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan. Jurnal Teknodik Edisi No.12/VII/Oktober/2003, Available from: k/t12/12-2.htm, Diakses tanggal: 20 Maret 2013. Catrho, W. 2002, “National Library of Australia : Metadata an Overview”, Available from : 3.html, Diakses tanggal : 21 April 2013. Chen, K. Hsiang, J., et al, 1999, The Design of Metadata for the Digital Museum Initiative in Taiwan, Department of Library and Information Science Nasional Taiwan University, Available from : s/pdf/OIR2002.pdf. Diakses tanggal : 30 Mei 2012. Hart, D., Philips, H. 1998, Metadata Primer – A “How To” Guide on Metadata Implementation, Nasional States Geographic Information Council. J.Young, M. 2000, Step By Step XML, PT. Elex Media Computindo, Jakarta. Kadir, A. 2002, Web Dinamis Menggunakan PHP, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta. Kittu, V. 2003, Metadata Beyond The Fact, Information Technology, Edisi December. p. 63-65. Moura, A.M.C., et al.1999, A Metadata Architecture to Represent Electronic Documents on The Web, Instituto Militar de Engenharia – IME/RJ Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Rio de Janeiro, Copyright IEEE. Diakses tanggal : 7 April 2013. North, K.1999, “new architec. Internet Strategies for Technology Leaders : Modelling, Metadata, and XML”, available from : 99/06/data.Diakses tanggal: 7 April 2013. Purbo, O.W., Hartanto, A.A. 2002, elearning Berbasis PHP dan MySQL, PT. Elex Media Computindo, Jakarta. Daniel Jr, Ron. 1998, A Metadata Architecture for Digital Libraries, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Available from : DL98/dar-adl.html. Diakses tanggal: 21 April 2013. Shi, R., Maly, K., Zubair, M. 2002, Automatic Metadata Discovery From Non-Cooperative Digital Librariesitle, Dept. of Computer Science Old Dominion University Norfolk, Diakses tanggal : 17 Maret 2013. Sidik, B., Pohan, H. I. 2002, HTML dan XML, Informatika, Bandung. Simamora, L. 2002, Infrastruktur e- Learning Telkom Dalam Upaya Mendukung Pengembangan Kompetensi Kompetitif Sumber Daya Manusia. Jurnal Teknodik Edisi No.X/Teknodik/Oktober/2002. Available from: nodik/t10/10-2.htm. Diakses Tanggal: 5 Maret 2013. Soekartawi, 2003, Prinsip Dasar e-learning : Teori dan Aplikasinya, Jurnal Teknodik Edisi 12/VII/Oktober/2003, Available from : 2-1.htm. Diakses tanggal : 21 April 2013. Tannembaum, A., 2002, Metadata Solution, Addison Wesley, New York. Utdirartatmo, F. 2003, Belajar Pemrograman WEB pada XML, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta. Wicaksono, H, 1999, Metadata dan Linux, Available from : www.nakula.rvs.unibielefeld. de/majalah/03111999/metad ata.html Diakses tanggal : 5 Maret 2013. Wikanta, P. 2001, Mendesain Web dengan Pemrograman XML, PT. Elex Media Computindo, Jakarta. Yang, C. C., Chan, W. W. M. 2000, Metadata Design for Chinese Medicine Digital Library using XML, Department of System Engineering and Engineering Management The Chinese University of Hongkong, available from : 04935/04935016.pdf, Diakses tanggal : 16 Agustus 2013. Yoo, J.S., Lee, B. Y., et al. 2000, Design and Implementation of XML Repository System Using DBMS and IRS, Department of Computer and Communication Eng. Chungbuk National University, Available from : L=Repository.pdf, diakses 4 Juni 2012.en_US
dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractE-Learning is one of the strategies to improve education, to the implementation needs to be developed and expanded. E-Learning systems must be able to provide information learning materials, including for users who are outside the environment in which the system of Elearning is used. Dissemination of information is often hampered because users usually not allowed to enter into the system. This study is intended to provide a solution in providing wider access to the E-Learning system is non-intrusive through the concept of metadata. A form of metadata structures of organizing learning material contained in the databases on the ELearning system built by providing a query to databases to read the structure and content of learning materials, and then represented in an XML document format. Generated metadata catalogs used as learning materials are placed in a data warehouse and can be accessed through a web browser, and can be used by anyone, anytime and anywhere, in a variety of ways without having to log into the system, thus providing greater access to information in effective and efficient.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.titleKonsep Metadata untuk Aplikasi E-Learningen_US

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