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dc.description.abstract | This study aims at discovering (1) the variety of socio-cultural backgrounds
in the rural community of Onje, (2) the social conflicts which the
community experienced leading to the marital taboos, and (3) the symbolic
meanings of the taboos remaining to work at present. The study employs the
historical method combined with the folklore and philological method. The
two latter methods are applied to provide the historical sources with the texts
and folklores. Then, the historical method is taken to produce a historiography,
i.e. the cultural history or the intellectual history in the local scope of
Onje. The result of study shows that the marital taboos in the rural community
of Onje suggests the socio-cultural phenomena rested upon the socio-political
legitimacy. The marital taboos are inflicted by social conflicts, such as
those manifested in incest marriage, social rivalry, and legitimate battle, in
which the communities of Onje represent the troublemakers. | en_US |