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dc.contributor.authorRejeki, Sri
dc.contributor.authorWahyuningsih, Sri Saptuti
dc.identifier.citationDweck, A.C. and Meadows, T. 2002,Tamanu (Callophyllum inophyllum L)-the African, Asian Polynesian and Pacific Panacea, International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 24,1-8 Ekowati, D,2013, Optimasi Komposisi Emulgator Krim Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L) sebagai Sunscreen dan antioksidan dengan metode Simplex Lattice Design, Tesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Melani, D.H, Purwanti,T dan Soeratri ,W, 2005, Korelasi Kadar Propilenglikol DalamBasis Dan Pelepasan Dietilammonium Diklofenak Dari Basis Gel Carbopol ETD2020, Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 5 (1), 1-6, Surabaya Said, T., Dutot, M., Martin, C., Beadeux, J.L., Boucher, C., Ence, E., et al. 2007, Cytoprotective Effect Agains UV-induced DNA Damage and oxidative Stress : Role of New Biological UV Filter. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 30 (3-4): 203-210 Shivani, S., Garima, G., Vipin, G. and Satyam, 2010, Sunscreen : An Introductory Review, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 3(8): 1857-1864 Sjarif M.1997. Penuntun Ilmu Kosmetik Medik. hal : 94. UI – Press,1997. Jakarta. Stanfield and Joseph, W. 2003, Sun Protectans: Enhancing Product Functionality will Sunscreen, in Schueller, R Romanowski,P, Multifunctional Cosmetic, Marcell Dekker Inc, New York, USA. Tahrir, I, Jumina dan Yuliastuti, I, 2002, Analisis aktivitas Perlindungan Sinar UV secara In Vitro dan In Vivo dari Beberapa Senyawa Ester Sinamat Produk Reaksi Kondensasi Benzaldehid Tersubsitusi dan Alkilasi, Makalah pada Seminar Nasional Kimia XI, Jurusan Kimia Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakartaen_US
dc.description.abstractA Study on formulation of Tamanu oil (Calophyllum inophyllum L) as sunscreen gel and SPF value test was conducted by in vitro assay. Firstly, Tamanu oil was extracted using soxhletation and followed by identification of Tamanu oil, evaluation SPF value of Tamanu oil, formulation of sunscreen gel and determination of its SPF value using UV-Spectrophotometer The SPF result showed that SPF values of Tamanu oil in various concentration 0.2 mg/ml, 0.25 mg/ml and 0.3mg/ml were respectively 10.34± 0.06, 17.28± 0.02 and 26.07± 0.28. The results of evaluation gel sunscreen consist of 50 % of Tamanu oil, 0.5% of HPMC, 4.5% of propylenglycol, 10 % of glycerin, 0,2% of methyl paraben and aquq to 100%. The experiment result pH value, dispersive power, viscosity and viscosity change were respectively 5.5, 9.93±0.12cm,33.75±0.58dPaS and 3.95%.The SPF result showed that SPF values of sunscreen gel Tamanu oil was respectively 30.46± 0.72(after 0,6 mg/ml dilution).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjecttamanu oilen_US
dc.subjectsunscreen gelen_US
dc.titleFormulasi Gel Tabir Surya Minyak Nyamplung (Tamanu Oil) dan Uji Nilai SPF Secara In Vitroen_US

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