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dc.description.abstract | In general, the purpose of this study is to describe the illocutionary speech act of chaplain
using bilingual approach. This is a qualitative research. The data are in the form of
speech collected from recordings of cleric K.H. Anwar Zahid from Bojonegoro, East Java as the informant. Data collection techniques used are observation and recording.
Data analysis used is equivalent intralingual method aith comparative technique. The
results of this study indicate as follows: (a) Assertive modes are expressed in the form of
Javanese-Arabic and Arabic-Indonesian; complain mode are in Arabic-Javanese and
Arabic-Indonesian); (b) Directive modes are in Arabic-Javanese and Arabic-Indonesian)
and advising modes are in Arabic-Javanese and Arabic-Indonesian); (c) there are
commissive mode of offers in Arabic-Javanese and Javanese-Indonesian), (d) Expressive
congratulation mode in Arabic-Javanese); (e) Declaration form naming mode is in
Javanese-Arabic and Arabic-Indonesian. Speech acts used in the teachings are direct
speech act, such as to govern, inform or do something directly. The direct speech is used
in the form of questions in Arabic-Javaneseand commands Arabic-Javanese and Indonesian-
Arabic. | en_US |