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dc.contributor.authorA. Pujarini, Listyo
dc.identifier.citationBouchad, R.W., & Rossor,M.N., 1996. Typical Clinical Features. In: Gauthier S.(ed). Clinical Diagnosis and Managemen of Alzheimer's Disease. London: Martin-Diaz, M.G., 1991, The Essential Brain.pp: 188-193, Merck, Madrid Dunitz .Ltd 35-50. Guyton, A.C., 1986. Text Book of Medical Physiology. 7th ed. W.B. Sounders co Japan. Hachinski, V.C., Ilif, L.D., & Zihlka, E., 1975. Cerebral blood flow in Dementia. Arch Neurol. 32(9): 632-7. Herbert R et al, 2000. Incidence and Risk Factors in the Canadian Study of Health an Aging. American Heart Association, 3: 1487-93. Kaye,J. A., 1998. Oldest-Old Healthy Brain Functio. Arch Neurol, 34: 1217-21. Moroney, J. T., Tang M. X., Small S., Merchant C., Bell K., Stern Y., & Maeyeux R., 1999, Low Density Lipoprptein Cholesterol and the Risk of Dementia With Sroke, New York, JAMA, http://www. NINDS-AIRENS International Workshop, 1991. Vascular Dementia: Diagnostic Criteria for Research Studies. Neurology, 43 (2): 250-60 PERDOSSI, 2004. Konsensus Pengenalan Dini dan Penatalaksanaan Demensia Vaskular. PERKENNI, 1995. Konsensus Pengelolaan Dislipidemia pada Diabetes Mellitus di Indonesia Reitz, C., Toeng, M.X., Luchsinger, J., & Mayen, X., 2004. Relation of Plasma Lipid & Alzheimer Disease andVascular Dementia, Arch Neurol, 61: 705-14. Schmid, R., Mechler, L., Kinkel, P. R., Fazekas, F., & Freidl, W., 1993. Cognitif Impairment After Acut Supratentorial Stroke: a 6-month follow up Clinical and Computed Tomography Study. Eur Arch-Psychiatry-Clin-Neurosci, 241(1)5-11en_US
dc.description.abstractThere is rising in prevelence of dementia as changing of disease pattern from infection disease to degerenative disease. Dyslipidemia is one of the risk factors that take part in vascular dementia's process. The aim of this study is to get lipid profile of stroke patients with dementia in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Jogjakarta. This study is descriptive study from patients medical record that were diagnosed by stroke with dementia in Dr Sardjito General Hospital. There were 41 subject. Most of them are male (28/68%), age = 55-64 (19/47%), education = junior high school (15/37%), marital status = married (40/98%) and occupation = retired (12/29%) . Dyslipidemia history was positive in 21/ 52,5% subjects. Hypercholesterolemia found on 27/65,9% subjects, high LDL on 23/ 56,1% subjects, high trygliceride on 34/82,9% subjects, low HDL on 15/36,6% subjects. Highest, lowest, and average mean of lipid profile were : total cholesterole 327/130/208,97mg/dl; HDL78/22/46,76mg/dl; LDL 242/66/121,73mg/dl; trigliserid 244/120/183,27mg/dl respectively. HCTS examination reveal that most of lesion are ischemic lesion/infarct iskemik/imfark (23/56,1%), and mostly found in frontoparietal lobe (9/22,0%). Most patient with stroke with dementia had abnormal lipid profile.en_US
dc.titleDislipidemia pada Penderita Stroke dengan Demensia di RS Dr. Sardjito Jogjakartaen_US

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