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dc.contributor.authorBudiyati, Eni
dc.contributor.authorBandi, Umar
dc.identifier.citationAswandi, A.Sutrisno, C. I.Arifin, M, Achmadi, J. (2012). Effect of complete feed starch banana weevil pea stone on the beans goats system in vivo against carcass weight and carcass part.International Journal of Science and Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 26-31. ISSN 20865023.DOI: 10.12777/ijse.3.1.26-31 Atmojo, P., T. (2010). Bioetanol-Bahan Bakar Nabati. bakar-nabati Azizah, N., Al Baarri, A.N., Mulyani, S. (2012). Pengaruh Lama Fermentasi terhadap Kadar Alkohol, pH, dan Produksi Gas pada Proses Fermentasi Bioetanol dari Whey dengan Substitusi Kulit Nanas. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan. Vol. 1. No.2. pp. 72 – 77 7277.pdf Geankoplis, C.J. (1993). Transport Processes and Unit Operations. Prentice Hall. ISBN13: 9780139304392 Prasetyo, L., J. (2011). Hidrolisis Pati, http//jayauns. com/2011.02/hidrolisis-pati.html Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W. (Editors). (2007). Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook. McGraw-Hill Co. 8th ed.ISBN0-07-142294-3 Prihandana, R., Noerwijati, K., Adinurani, P. G., Setyaningsih, D., Setiadi, S., Hendroko, R. (2007). Bioetanol Ubi Kayu, Bahan Bakar Masa Depan. 1st ed. Agromedia Pustaka, Jakarta. ISBN 979-006-131-5,pp. 25-26. Prihandana, R., Hendroko, R. (2008). Energi Hijau: Pilihan Bijak Menuju Negeri Mandiri Energi. 2nd ed. Penebar Swadaya Depok, Jakarta. pp. 6 - 20. Retno, D.T. and Nuri, W. (2011). Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Kulit Pisang, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan”. Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Pengolahan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia Yogyakarta ISSN 1693 – 4393, Jurusan Teknik Kimia FTI UPN”Veteran” Yogyakarta Retno, Endah, et al. (2009). Kinetika Reaksi Hidrolisa Tepung Sorgum dengan Katalis Asam Klorida (HCl), Jurnal Penelitian Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik UNS Rismunandar. (1990). Membudidayakan Tanaman Buah-Buahan, Sinar Baru, Bandung Smith, T.C., Kindred, D.R., Brosnan, J.M., Weightman, R.M., Shepherd, M., Sylvester-Bradley, R. (2006), Wheat as Feedstock for Alcohol Production, HGCA Research Review No. 61 Sun, Y., and Cheng, J.J. (2005). Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Rye Straw Bermudagrass for Ethanol Production. Journal of Bioresource Technology 96: 1599 – 1606. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2004.12.022 Yuanita, Voni, Rahmawati, Yulia. (2008). Sorbitol Plant from Banana Hump (Musa paradisiaca) with Catalytic Hydrogenation Processen_US
dc.description.abstractAn energy need of petroleum fuels in various countries in the world in recent years has increased sharply. It doesn’t only happen in the developed countries but also in developing countries, including Indonesia. Scientists have a develop a renewable energy source to anticipate the crisis of petroleum fuels. Several types of renewable energy are biomass, geothermal, solar energy, water energy, wind energy, and ocean energy. Ethanol is a bio-fuel, and has good prospects as a substitute for liquid fuel and gasohol with renewable raw materials and environmentally friendly. Four steps are applied in this study. The first is preparation of tools and raw materials. All instruments were sterilized and banana weevil as raw material is cut and grind. The second is hydrolysis process, which HCl is used as catalyst. in the process,temperature are varied at 70 °C, 80 °C, 90 °C, and concentration of catalyst are 0.1; 0.2; and 0.3 N. The third step is fermentation, which is conducted at the ambient temperature (27 °C) and anaerobic conditions. The last is distillation process. The results show the greater hydrolysis temperature, the concentration and the yield of produced bio-ethanol greater. The hydrolysis process of HCl 0.3 N at 90 °C, resulted in the greatest level of bio-ethanol, which is 61.20%. This research should be developed, especially for the purification process on order to obtain higher ethanol concentration.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Hydrolysis Temperature and Catalyst Concentration on Bio-ethanol Production from Banana Weevilen_US

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