A Nested Model of Analyzing An Influence of Time Orientation on Behaviour of Avoiding Television Advertising
Time orientation theory states that an
individual spends his or her time purposively depending upon
whether time orientation is past, present, or future. The
researcher refers this perspective to understanding more deeply
about why an individual avoids television advertising. The pastoriented
individual thinks that the television advertising is not
important and only affects people to behave consumptively. They
tend to avoid from seeing it. The present-oriented individual
thinks that the television advertising is important because he or
she focuses on ‘live for today.’ The future-oriented individual
thinks that the television advertising is important to plan
purchasing and he or she tends not avoid from seeing it.
This research aims to test a whole model of the
behaviour of avoiding from seeing the television advertising
regarding time orientation, belief and attitude toward it. Also, the
research examines the relation among construct mediated by a
belief variable and attitude toward television advertising. The
result of structure equation model (SEM) analysis indicates that
the whole model has an unsatisfactory goodness of fit based on a
low value of fix indices so that it is necessary to modify structural
research model (nested model). After the model is modified, the
goodness-of-fit model is better (Chi Square 4417; significance
probability 0.620; RMSEA 0.000; GFI 0.99; AGFI 0.973; TLI
1,12; CFI 1; NFI 0.99; CMIN/DF 0.7).