Diskursus Realitas Sosial Sebagai Pembentuk Karakter Manusia dalam Cerpen “Robohnya Surau Kami” Karya A. A. Navis.
Short stories (short stories) as one type of literature it can provide benefits to the reader. Of them can provide a substitute experience, enjoyment, develop imagination, develop an understanding of human behavior, and can deliver a universal experience. Universal experience it certainly is associated with life and human life and humanity. It can be a matter of marriage, romance, tradition, religion, friendship, social, political, educational, and so on. So it is not surprising if one reader of short stories, it seems like the people who read it are viewing miniature human life and feel very close to the existing problems in it.
As a literary short story "Robohnya Surau Kami" by AA Navis are expected to as the media establishment of community character as a civilized nation and has personality. Short Story can also provide an overview of social reality as the formation of a person's character. The character can be seen through the discourses that existed in society, thus forming a cultural behavior, and civilization in society. In this article the author will use the theory of discourse and semiotic theory to find a discourse that is contained in a text.