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dc.contributor.authorM. Thoyibi
dc.contributor.authorKhisbiyah, ayah
dc.contributor.authorAly, Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorBaidhowy, Zakiyuddin
dc.identifier.citationAncok, Jamaluddin. 2002. Outbound Management Training. Yogyakarta: Tim UII Press. Banks, J. A.1981. Multiethnic Education: Theory and Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Banks, J. A. & Cherry A. McGee Banks (Eds.). 1989. Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Clubb, O. Edmund. 1964. Twentieth-Century China. New York: Columbia University Press. Coppel, Charles A. 1994. Tionghoa Indonesia dalam Krisis. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Creel, H. G. 1990. Alam Pikiran Cina sejak Confucius sampai Mao Zedong. Edisi Terjemahan.Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana. Feith, Herbert and Lance Castles. 1970. Indonesian Political Thinking 1945- 1965. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Hariyono, P. 1994. Kultur Cina dan Jawa: Pemahaman Menuju Asimilasi Kultural. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Heyward, M. 1998. “The Development of Global Perspectives in Young Children”. Makalah laporan hasil penelitian. Dalam Seminar Sehari “Early Childood” Yogyakarta: IKP Yogyakarta. Jahja, H. Junus (ed.). 1991. Nonpri di Mata Pribumi.Jakarta: Yayasan Tunas Bangsa. Lynch, James. 1986. Multicultural Education: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Mulyadi, M. Hari, Sudarmono, Abraham Setiyadi, Hari D. Utomo, Rohadi, Didiek Wahyudiono, Tatang Badru Tamam, M. Amin, 1999. Runtuhnya Kekuasaan “Kraton Alit”: Studi Radikalisasi Sosial Wong Sala dan Kerusuhan Mei 1998 di Surakarta. Surakarta: LPTP. Sa’dun, Moch. M. (ed.), 1999. Pri dan Nonpri: Mencari Format Baru Pembauran. Jakarta: Pustaka Cidesindo. Salim, Hairus. 2003. “Belajar Bersama Pluralisme: Sekelumit Pengalaman”. Wacana, XV, 2003: 223) Silberman, Mel. 2001. Active Learning: 101 Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif. Yogyakarta: Yayasan YAPPENDIS. Skinner, G. Wiliam. 1957. Chinese Society in Thailand: An Analytical History. Ithaca. New York: Cornel University Press. Soekiman, Djoko. 2000. Kebudayaan Indies dan Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Pendukungnya di Jawa (Abad XVIII - Medio Abad XX). Yogyakarta: Bentang. Taher, Tarmizi. 1997a. Masyarakat Cina, Ketahanan Nasional, dan Integrasi Bangsa di Indonesia. Jakarta: PPIM. Taher, Tarmizi. 1997b. Aspiring for Middle Path: Religious Harmony in Indonesia. Jakarta: CENSIS. Tillman, Diane. 2004. Living Values Activities for Young Adults/Pendidikan Nilai untuk Kaum Dewasa-Muda. Jakarta: PT Grasindo. Wibowo, I. (ed.). 1999. Retrospeksi dan Rekontekstualisasi Masalah Cina. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe major problem of this first year research is how the conceptual model of learning to live together inter-ethnic and religion appropriate with the problems faced by students in their everyday social interaction looks like. The approach used in this research is survey for needs assessment in order to find out the school condition and the social interaction of the students at schools every day. The datacollecting methods employed include interview and questionnaire. The interview is conducted with the student informants. The questionnaire is for the schoolmasters and the GC (guidance and counseling) teachers of five different schools. The conclusions of the research are as follows. Firstly, the schools have not taken into consideration the variety of students’ ethnic and religious backgrounds and they have not made particular policy and provided the students with particular learning experience to manage the diversity of the students. While in their social interaction, the students encounter with problems indicating that they are lack of the social skills for social interaction. Secondly, the module of learning to live together inter-ethnic and inter-religion, being the product of the first year research, has been designed based on the needs assessment in schools. The review of the module states that the learning material, objective, and strategy prepared in the module are appropriate with the students’ needs, meaning that conceptually the module can serve as an alternative model of learning to live together.en_US
dc.subjectmodel pembelajaranen_US
dc.subjectberkehidupan bersamaen_US
dc.subjectlintas etniken_US

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