This study aims at studying the origins of the word “Purwokerto,” presently
used as the name of a town in Central Java. The data-collecting methods
were document analysis and interview. The collected data were analyzed
by employing the historical method that comprised four steps, namely heuristic,
verification, interpretation, and historiography. The result of the study showed
that the pronunciation of “Purwokerto” should be consistent with the Sanskrit
pronunciation system, namely “Purwakerta.” The town was closely related
to the legend of Kartisara, the name of Pasir Kertawibawa used as the capital
of Pasir, the tomb of Mbah Karta in Astana Dhuwur Cemetery, and legendary
kingdom of Purwacarita. Historically, Purwokerto belonged to the territory
of Pasir kingdom (Ancient Galuh) which might be mentioned in the Chinese
gazette of the T’ang Dynasty. The modern Purwokerto emerged in 1832
when the capital of Ajibarang regency suffered from a heavy damage following
a big hurricane and moved to the village of Peguwon. It was in this area
where Purwokerto was built, an area known as Wirasaba, which was adjacent
to Pasirluhur.