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dc.description.abstract | The 26 December 2004 Tsunami in Aceh resulted in devastations, both
physically and psychologically. Their buildings were damaged and their ancient
scriptures which were very important for their lives were damaged too. Psychologically,
people were traumatized, depressed, and fearful. This was the
most terrible disaster the Malay Aceh ever had. Thus, I believe that they need to
be more introspective get closer to God. This research tries to dig up the ancient
scriptures containing tasawuf teaching which can be used a healer. In
brief, tasawuf can be defined as a way of life in which pursuing God’s and His
messenger’s mercy is the sole life goal since they search for eternal happiness.
People who practice tasawuf are those who really want mercy from God and
His messenger. One of the activities is dzikrul-Lah (always keep God in mind)
in any condition. Dzikru-Lah is initiated with the feeling of peace and mercy
and finally these feelings will arouse from within one-self. To dig up the ancient
scriptures, philosophical activity is first needed, using the theory of method of
philology. These scriptures are then analyzed using contemporary literary theories.
Hopefully the Malay Aceh may become conscious of the greatness of their
ancient scriptures and in turn they can them as a healer for their hearts. | en_US |