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dc.contributor.authorMurwanti, Sri
dc.contributor.authorPadmantyo, Sri
dc.contributor.authorSholahuddin, Muhammad
dc.identifier.citationAgustianto. 2015. Dana Talangan Haji Tidak Perlu Dilarang, diakses tanggal 5 januari 2015 Aminah, Aan Siti. 2013, Analisis Kesesuaian Akad Al-Ijarah Dengan Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) NO: 09/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 Pada Produk Pembiayaan Dana Talangan Haji Di PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah Cabang Malang, Skripsi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Bierman Jr, Harold. 1998. A Utility Approach to The Portfolio Allocation Decision and The Investment Horizon, Journal of Portfolio Management. Chamberlain, Trevor W, Cheung, C. Sherman, and Kwan, Clerence C.Y. 1990. Optimal Portfolio Selection Using The General Multi-Index Model: A Stable Paretion Framework, Decision Elton, Edwin, J., Martin J. Gruber, and Manfred Padrebrg. 1976. Simple Criteria for Optimal Portfolio Selection, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 31, No. 5. ____, 1978. Simples Criteria for Optimal Portfolio Selection: Tracking Out The Efficeint Frontier, The Journal of Portfolio Management. ____, 1977 Simples Rules Criteria for Optimal Portfolio Selection: Multi Group Case, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. ____, 1978. Optimal Portfolio from Simple Rangking Devices, The Journal of Portfolio Management. Hadi, S., & Widyarini, W. (2013). Dana Talangan Haji (Fatwa DSN dan Praktek di LKS). ASYSYIR'AH, 45(2). Kam, Kathy. 2006. Portfolio Selection Methods , An Empirical Investigation, Los Angeles: University of California. Kurnianto, E. (2013). Halama Judul Pengaruh Promotion Mix Terhadap Keputusan Menggunakan Produk Dana Talangan Haji Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Yogyakarta. FAI (Ekonomi Perbankan Islam), 8(8). Ma’ruf, M. (2011). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Jumlah Jamaah Haji Di Kota Medan., skripsi Rahmah, S. (2013). Studi Evaluasi atas Dana Talangan Haji Produk Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia. JURNAL AHKAM, 13(2). Riantama, R. W. (2014). Pengaruh Fee Based Income Dana Talangan Haji Terhadap Tingkat Profitabilitas Pada Bank Syariah (Studi Penelitian Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Solo) (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Sebelas Maret). Ruslan, Heri, 2012, Dana Talangan Haji, Bolehkah?, Saragih, Ferdinand D. Manurung Adler H, dan Manurung, Jonni. 2006. Keuangan Bisnis: Teori dan Aplikasi, Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. Saragih, Ferdinand D. 2005. Analisis Dan Penilaian Kinerja Portofolio Optimal Dari Perspektif Model Asset Pricing: Suatu Studi Literatur Bagi Peneliti di Bidang Keuangan dan Investasi. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Organisasi, Bisnis dan Birokrasi , Vol. 13, No. 3 (September). Science Journal.Elton, Edwin, J., Martin M. 1971. Improved Forecasting Through the Design of Homogenous Groups, Journal of Business . Sopa & Siti Rahmah. 2013. Studi Evaluasi Atas Dana Talangan Haji Produk Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia, Jurnal Al-Ahkam Vol. XIII, No. 2, Juli 2013 Ulfah, M. (2012). Analisis Pengaruh Marketing Syariah terhadap Minat Nasabah Dana Talangan Haji (Studi Kasus di Bank Muamalat Cabang Semarang)(Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Walisongo). Dana talangan haji,, diakses pada 25 Januari 2015in_ID
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is one of the country with the most widely Hajj pilgrims. This extraordinary amount causes queues to wait for the pilgrimage, since Islamic banks offer a bailout system for anyone who is able and eager to hajj. Hajj funds are certainly not small. Before the crisis and the rupiah value is still strong, hajj funds were only about 10 million. But after the crisis, the cost ballooned to 40 million rupiah. This study analyzes the perceptions of bank customers to finance / lend Hajj bailout provided by Islamic banks in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach to content analysis of data collection using interviews with 10 pilgrims who used Hajj bailout in Islamic banks. Although there is a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Hajj bailout by Islamic financial institutions, some of the advantages of this program according to the customers' perception are: facilitating Hajj pilgrims’ funds, helping the economy of the nation, helping SMEs, helping Islamic banking and prospective pilgrims’ asset utility optimization. According to customers perception, some disadvantages of bailout pilgrimage include: Inhibiting the prospective Hajj pilgrims who have the financing capability, extending the list of prospective pilgrims queuing, multi agreements that sometimes in practice are less according to the fatwas of the National Sharia Council, the bias in the term of "capable" in Hajj and the lack of transparency in the management of Hajj funds by the government.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectHajj bailoutin_ID
dc.titleMenimbang Kekuatan dan Kelemahan Dana Talangan Hajiin_ID

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