Pemediasian Keunggulan Bersaing dan Pembelajaran Organisasional terhadap Hubungan Orientasi Kewirausahaan dengan Kinerja
This study aims to test the role of mediating variables compeititive advantage and learning
organizational on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in
dinamic competiton. This research was conducted by survey method to the respondents in small
and medium enterprises at Magelang City consist of 178 respondents. Data analysis was
performed using SEM WartPLS 3.0. The simultan test showed that entrepeneurial orientation has
no direct relation with firm performance p=0,12, so p >0,05. Than entrepreneurial orientation as
independen variable has postive relation with competitive advantage (ß=0,67; p<0,01; R2=0,45)
and organizational learning (ß=0,72; p<0,01; R2=0,51). Than competitive advantage and
learning organizational as mediator variable has significan relation with entrepreneurial
orientation (ß=038, p<0,01,) and (ß=0,24, p<0,01, ) and (R2=0,43). Relational model among
variables has good GoF (APC=0,426, p<0,01; ARS=0,462, p<0,01; VIF=2,206<5). These
results indicate that competitive advantage and organizational learning is fully mediated the
relation between entrepreneurial orentation and firm performance. This study contributes to add
competitive advantage and organizational learning as mediating variables on the relationship
between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. The study states that in dynamic
competition, company with entrepreneurial orentation will improve the performance when it has
competitive advantage and organizational learning occurs in company.