dc.contributor.author | Tri W., Arlita | |
dc.contributor.author | Muwakhidah | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-08-06T03:06:26Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-08-06T03:06:26Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015-06-11 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Andarini. 2012. Terapi Nutrisi Pasien Usia Lanjut yang Dirawat di Rumah Sakit Di dalam: Harjodisastro D, Syam AF, Sukrisman L, editor. Dukungan Nutrisi pada Kasus Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran UI. Aris, S. 2007. Mayo Clinic. Hipertensi, Mengatasi Tekanan Darah Tinggi. PT Intisari Mediatama : Jakarta. Brunner and Suddarth. 2001. Keperawatan Medikal bedah. Edisi 8. EGC : Jakarta. Dalimartha, S. 2008. Care Your Self Hipertension. Jakarta: Penebar Plus. Dinas Kesehatan Sukoharjo. 2011. Profil Kesehatan 2011. Sukoharjo. Farid, A. 2010. Hubungan Asupan Natrium, Kalium, Kalsium, Magnesium dan Serat dengan Tekanan Darah pada Remaja SMAN 5 Semarang. Thesis. Fakultas Kedokteran. UNDIP:Semarang Fatmah. 2010. Gizi Usia Lanjut. Erlangga : Jakarta. Harris NG. 2008. Nutrition in Aging. Di dalam: Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S, editor. Krause’s Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy 12th ed. USA: Elsevier. Istiqomah. 2010. Kebiasaan Konsumsi Natrium Dan Kalium Sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Wanita Lanjut Usia. https://www.google.com/search?q=sk ripsi+asupannatrium+kalium+dengan +hipertensi&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&client=firefox-a diakses 29 Oktober 2013. Krummel DA. 2004. Medical Nutrition Therapy in Hypertension. Di dalam: Mahan LK dan Escott-Stump S, editor. 2004. Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy. Saunders co. hlm. 900- 918 : USA. Muliyati, Syam, Sirajuddin. 2011. Hubungan pola konsumsi natrium dan kalium serta aktifitas fisik dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pasien rawat jalan di rsup dr. Wahidin sudirohusodo Makassar. Media Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia, Vol.1,No.1,Agustus 2011. Mustamin. 2010. Asupan Natrium, Status Gizi dan Tekanan Darah Tinggi Usia Lanjut. Jurnal Media Gizi Pangan. Volume IX. Edisi 1 : Makassar. Palmer &Williams, 2007. Introduce to Food service. Ed ke-11. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Pradono J. 2010. Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Hipertensi Di Daerah Perkotaan (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2007). Gizi Indon 2010, 33(1):59-66. Worsley, Antony. Diet and Hypertension in the Asia-Pasific Region: a brief review Asia Pasific. Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2001;10-97-102. | in_ID |
dc.identifier.issn | 2460-4143 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11617/6172 | |
dc.description.abstract | High blood pressure is caused by retention of sodium in the blood. Potassium can lower blood
pressure by causing vasodilatation effect, thus decreasing total peripheral and increasing
cardiac output. Magnesium is a nutrient for heart health that helps the heart muscle to
relaxation. People with more body weight, show the blood pressure tend to be higher than thin.
The prevalence of hypertension in Makamhaji village is 23%. To determine the relationship
among the intake of sodium, potassium, magnesium and nutritional status with blood pressure
of the elderly in theMakamhaji village. The research was an observational with cross-sectional
approach. Subject of the research is 40 individuals selected by using multistage sampling. Data
of sodium, potassium, and magnesium intake were obtained using recall. Data of nutritional
status were acquired using body mass index. The blood pressure was measured using
Sphigmomanometer. Data were analyzed using correlation test of Pearson Product Moment.
The result research indicated that respondents with a high sodium intake as much as 40%, low
potassium intake as much as 57,5%, then, less magnesium intake as much as 47,5%.
Respondents with lack nutritional status were 25%. 30% respondents displayed a mild systole
high blood pressure and were 60% respondents displayed a mild diastole high blood pressure.
The Pearson Product Moment revealed the correlation between sodium intake and blood
pressure with p value = 0.006. Potassium intake and blood pressure gave the correlation with
p value = 0.019. Thus magnesium intake and blood pressure displayed a relation with p value
= 0.029. Then the nutritional status showed the correlation with blood pressure p = 0.013.
There are correlation among intake of sodium, potassium, magnesium and nutritional status
with blood pressure of the elderly in the Makamhaji village. | in_ID |
dc.language.iso | id | in_ID |
dc.publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta | in_ID |
dc.subject | sodium | in_ID |
dc.subject | potassium | in_ID |
dc.subject | magnesium | in_ID |
dc.subject | nutritional status | in_ID |
dc.subject | blood pressure | in_ID |
dc.subject | elderly | in_ID |
dc.type | Article | in_ID |