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dc.description.abstractThe research had been performed to incorporate rifampin into PLGA submicron-sized particles. This research has a prospect to be applied to overcome the ineffectiveness use of rifampin for tuberculosis patients as rifampin was not stable in human lung macrophages, while Mycobacterium tuberculosis was able to survive in human lung macrophages. Rifampin was incorporated into submicron particles of PLGAs using the emulsion solvent diffusion method. The use of rifampin 50 mg in every batch resulted in the submicron-sized particles of 220 nm, PDI 0:12, zeta potential 21 mV and EE 37%. In the batch using rifampin 300 mg, resulted the submicron-sized particles of 410 nm, PDI 0:22, zeta potential 14 mV and EE 40%. The surface of the particles was visualized by SEM and hydrodynamic size compared to TEM. It was known that particle is spherical with a smaller diameter than the hydrodynamic size. TEM measurement revealed the size of particles with PVA was 208 nm.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titlePreparation and Characterization of Submicron Particles of PLGA Incorporating Rifampin Using Emulsion Solvent Diffusion Methodin_ID

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    Current Breakthrough in Pharmacy Materials and Analyses

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