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dc.contributor.authorWahid, Abdul
dc.identifier.citation[1] Dinas Kelautan dan Ketahanan Pangan Kota Makassar. Profil Penangkapan Ikan Tidak Ramah Lingkungan. 2007. [2] Kusnadi. Filosofi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir. Humaniora. Bandung. 2006. [3] A. Zaelany. Perilaku Para Pihak Dalam Kegiatan Penangkapan Ikan di Pulau Barrang Lompo (Makassar) dan Transformasi Menuju Perikanan Berkelanjutan. Disertasi Sekolah Pasacasarjana IPB. Bogor. 2007. [4] J. W. Bennet. Human Ecology as Human Behavior. New Brunswick, New Jersey; Transaction Publishers. 1996. [5] R.S Dimitrov. Confronting Nonregimes: Science and International Coral Reef Policy. The Journal of Environment and Development. 2002. [6] Endinger et al. Reef Degradation and Corals Biodiversity in Indonesia: Effect of Land-based Pollution, Destructive Fishing Practices and Changes Over Time. Pergamon, A Marine Pollution Bulletin Elsevier Science Ltd. Vol 36, No 8 pp. 617-630. Great Britain. 1998. [7] A. Halim. Adoption of Cyanide Fishing Practice in Indonesia. Ocean and Coastal Management. Departement of Marine Affairs, University of Rhode Island Kingston,USA. 2002. [8] F. Slimy. Hubungan Pajanan Karbon Monoksida Kompresor dengan Gambaran Hematologi Nelayan Penyelam (Studi Pengaruh Penggunaan Kompresor Konvensional Oleh Nelayan Tradisional di P. Panggang dan Sekitarnya, diKecamatan Pulau Seribu)Tesis S2 . Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia. Jakartain_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to reveal damage endured by coral reefs as the result of practice of bombing and cyanide fishing in Barrang Lompo Island Makassar. One of fishing activities which have brought severe damages including in ecological and social is Bluster fishing. The social effect of this practice among others is the decline number of fishermen due to the reef conditions is getting worse. The risk of the use of cyanide is also considered as high mainly due to the safety of the diver. However, the practices have lasted for decades and the government’s efforts to prevent then have not succeeded yet. This study used a qualitative approach. The results showed the widespread practice of bombing and cyanide. The field analysis indicated the involvement of law enforcement officers in protecting the perpetrators bomber and tranquilizer which in fact damage the reefs. The role of government and law enforcement agencies in controlling bombardment of immature fish turned out to be very significant to suppress the fish bombing activities (Bluster fishing).in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectbluster fishingin_ID
dc.subjectbluster fishingin_ID
dc.subjectsocial impactin_ID
dc.titleSocial Impact of Blust Fishing and Cyanide Fishing Practice to Fishermen : Qualitative Study on Barrang Lompo Islandin_ID

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