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dc.description.abstractIn modern civilization, technology is improved so that human will be able to solve their problem easier, faster and efficient. In fact, there are several cases of amiss and defective application of technology. The widespread social media as the result of technology distribution is one among the consequences. Women and mothers become vulnerable to this phenomenon, they actively use diverse social media such as facebook and Path to monitor their children as well as to connect with friends. Nevertheless, the use of social media is unanticipated. It brings out the new problem in the relationship quality between parents particularly mother and children, meanwhile parents have a huge influence for preparing the future generation. This research used qualitative methodology by using in depth interview to seven mothers whose children study in Salman Al Farisi kindergarten in Cileungsi West Java. Salman Al Farisi kindergarten applied “Metode Sentra” in the process of learning. It has an awareness to actively participate in nurturing the students and conducts parenting forum regularly. The results showed 71.4% mothers had account in social media (facebook) while the other actively connected via Whatsapp or Blackberry application. The main purpose of their involvement in social media was to get connected to their community, share pictures or videos, and obtain useful information. 24% of the respondents realized that social media was powerfully distraction regarding with their quality time with family especially children.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectsocial mediain_ID
dc.subjectraising childin_ID
dc.titleSocial Media and Mother’s Behavior in Early Childhood Educationin_ID

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