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dc.contributor.authorArdila, Sita Ayu
dc.contributor.authorAhyani, Latifah Nur
dc.contributor.authorRaharjo, Trubus
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dc.description.abstractThis research aims to goal how the self-esteem of children who live with one of the stepparent. The method is used in this research is a qualitative research method with phenomenological approach through observation and interview. The sampling technique using non-random sampling technique with a purposive sample. Subjects in this research were children who lived with one of stepparent since the age of 7-10 years. Research shows some of thethings that affect the low or high self-esteem of male and female informants that family influence is mainly related to stepparent, less harmonious environment without any attention affection and concern, in this social relationships are less good, feel is not accepted, and was looked down upon by society, then the psychological condition that are less healthy because it felt foreign in the family, in this fear of opinion and is not considered a member of the family, but it also affects gender differences in self-esteem a person, as a woman was not received, emotion and will reply/ fight with the same behavior as others do. The impact is arise from low self-esteem on the subject of women is felt in doubt, can not maintain the opinion, worried express ideas, not able to influence others, less consistent in responding, feeling worthless, isolated, is feeling insecure, inappropriate loved, have difficulty happy result of negative thinking, unable to control emotion, do not have the strength and unable to defend themselves in the face of problems. While subject the boys despite having a family with stepparent less harmonious yet have a well established social condition, psychologically healthy and has a good behavior patterns can improve self-esteem / self-esteem tend to have high which has a sense of worth and feeling accepted in the environment social so do not feel alienated, able to hold opinions, to feel confident and able to control emotion in the face of problems.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleHarga Diri Anak yang Tinggal Bersama Salah Satu Orangtua Tiriin_ID

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