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dc.contributor.authorNoerwasito, Vincentius Totok
dc.identifier.citation[1] Adamson, Bo and Olle, Aberg, Design for Climatization Houses in Warm Humid Areas, Building issues, No.1 vol 5 1993, LCHS Lund University, Lund Sweden. 1993. [2] Amatruda, John Green product, National Institute of Building Sciences, jam 5.00 3 agustus 2004. [3] Astrand JohnyBlockmaking machines for soil blocks, Sadel–Arskitektur I, Lund – sweden,1986. [4] Kenneth Sandin, Mortars for Masonary and Rendering Choice and Application, Building issues, LCHS, Lund Sweden,1995. [5] Noerwasito Totok, Bata lempung bahan bangunan dinding alternative, Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 29 no. 2. Desember 2001, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya, 2001. [6] Noerwasito Totok, Pelatihan Pembuatan Blok Lumpur Bergaram Tanpa Pembakaran Sebagai Bahan Renovasi Dinding Rumah Nelayan Di Desa Sidopekso Kraksaan Probolinggo, LPPM – ITS, 2008. [7] Petrossian Baris Der, Erik Johansson, Construction and Environment improving energy efficiency, Building issues No.2 vol 10 2000, LCHS Lund University, Lund Sweden. 2000. [8] Rigassi Vincent, Blocs de terre comprime Vol 1 Manuel de Production, CRA-Terre EAG, Grenoble, France. 1995. [9] Roland Stulz and Mukerji Kiran, (1993), Appropriate Building Materials, Third Revised Edition. SKAT Publication. Switzerland. [10] Rullan dan Noerwasito, Blok Non Bakar dari Tanah Liat Lokal Untuk Dinding Rumah Sederhana yang tahan gempa studi kasus di Pasuruan, LPPM – ITS. 2010. [11] Tracy Mumma, Reducing the Embodied Energy of Buildings, construction, Home Energy Magazine Online January/February 95.in_ID
dc.description.abstractBuilding materials were a major influence on the condition of the air inside the building covering the walls and roof of the building materials. This was caused by an area of the walls and roof that dominates the surface area of the building. Buildings that save energy by sustainable building is a building that is much use of local building materials. One wall of the building materials which are of local building materials and do not use a lot of energy in the manufacturing process is compressed earth block (CEB). Energy for heating and cooling of buildings are depending on the location where the building is located. This study aims to determine the appropriate building walls for warm and cold climate areas. Simulations carried out by using a model of the building with a size of 3 x 3 x 3m. Heat energy and embodied energy of building materials in the building model is calculated using the program. Variables research are CEB wall thickness and fiber concrete panels. Optimization was done to determine the model of the building that has heat energy and embodied energy balance. Results of the study are as follows a model that is suitable for hot climates are model-walled half-brick and concrete fibre panels coated on both sides. Model suitable for cold climates is a model that has a brick wall and covered by fibre concrete on the outside.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectCEB wallsin_ID
dc.subjectconcrete fibre panelsin_ID
dc.subjectroof CEBin_ID
dc.subjectheat energyin_ID
dc.subjectembodied energyin_ID
dc.titleHeat Energy and Embodied Energy Efficient in Building Walled and Roofed Compressed Earth Block in the Tropics Case Study in Surabayain_ID

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