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dc.contributor.authorAnanto, Gamawan
dc.contributor.authorHadi, Retno
dc.contributor.authorPriasmara, Indra
dc.identifier.citation[1] Badan Standardisasi Nasional,Air Minum Dalam Kemasan, (SNI 013553-2006), 2006. [2] Howe Kerry J, Hand Davis W, Crittenden John C, Trussell P Rhodhes, Tchobanoglous George, Principles of Water Treatment, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New Jersey, 2012. [3] Rafi Mahammad, Rachamar T, Umamahesh M, Babu B Arun, Fabrication & Testing of Rapid Sand Filter Equipment, Global Journal of Researches In Engineering, Chemical Engineering, vol 12 issue 2 ver 1.0, ISSN 2249-4596), 2012. [4] Heijman S G J, CT4471, Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis, TU Delft, p2, 2007. [5] Kowalski Krzysztof P, Madsen Henrik T, Sogaard Erik G, Comparison of sand and membrane filtration as non-chemical pre-treatment strategies for pesticide removal with nanofiltration/ low pressure reverse osmosis membranes, Water Sciennce & Technology: Water Sully vol 14 no 4 pp 532-539, IWA Publishing 2014 doi 10.2166/ws.2014.004), 2014. [6] Otto Kevin N, Wood Kristin L, Product Evolution: A Reverse Engineering and Redesign Methodology, Research in Engineering Design (1998)10:226-243, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 1998. [7] Bani Younis Mohammed, Reverse Engineering, Technische Universitaet Kaiserlautern. [8] Cevikcan Emre, Selcuk Kilic Huseyin and Zaim Selim, Westinghouse Method Oriented Fuzzy Rule Based Tempo Rating Approach, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations management Istanbul, turkey, p1670-1677, 2012. [9] SJ Haig, G Collins, RL Davies, CC Dorea and C Quince, Biological Aspects of Slow Sand Filtration: Past, Present and Future, from WPfinished.pdfin_ID
dc.description.abstractA small Water Treatment unit in an educational institution has been in operation for about six years, provided clean and drinking water for the inhabitants of such organization. The chemical solution process that combined with media filtration is applied for such machine. Although there was no complaint from inhabitants as the customer, the manager in charge who responsible in operation noticed that sometimes is not easy to control the technicians in carrying out its routine and periodic detail technical procedure consistently, that might influence the output quality. To make the operation easier, a few lab scale experiments are initiated due to find out whether using cartridge filtration that is still combined with media filtration could reduce their efforts. The experiments skipped chemical features and added Micro Filtration (MF) cartridge to get the lab result of output water. Reverse Engineering and Redesign is used for analyze its design aspect whereas Westinghouse approach measured its efforts in handling. The result shows that using cartridge gave a moderate quality in water composition of element content that is still in standard range of health provision; but it needed lower effort and had better aspect of design.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectwater treatmentin_ID
dc.subjectchemical solutionin_ID
dc.subjectsand filtrationin_ID
dc.subjectmicro filtrationin_ID
dc.subjectdesign modificationin_ID
dc.titleA Case of Substituting Chemical Solution with Cartridge Filtration for Small Water Treatment Unitin_ID

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