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dc.contributor.authorMuthoifin, Muthoifin
dc.contributor.authorNuha, Nuha
dc.identifier.citationAsnaini, 2008, Zakat Produktif dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Dahlan, Abdul Aziz, 1996.Ensiklopedi Hukum Islam, Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve. Departemen Agama RI, 2003. Pedoman Pengelolaan Zakat, Jakarta: Direktorat Pengembangan Zakat dan Wakaf Ditjen Bimas Islam dan Penyelenggaraan Haji. Kenny, Susan, 1994, Developing Community for the Future Community Development in Australia, Australia: an International Thomson Publishing Company. Mahfudl, Muhammad Sahal, 1994. Nuansa Fiqih Sosial, Yogyakarta: Lkis. ------------------, 1997. Telaah Fiqih Sosial, Semarang: Yayasan Karyawan Suara Merdeka. Mas’udi, Masdar Farid, 2005. Menggagas Ulang Zakat Sebagai Etika Pajak dan Belanja Negara untuk Rakyat, Bandung: Mizan. ----------------------------, 1991, Agama Keadilan (Risalah Zakat Pajak) Dalam Islam), Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus. ----------------------------, 2003, Ironis, Haji Menjadi Status Sosial yang Dilembagakan. Munir, Misbah, dkk.2014, Studi Hukum Islam, Surabaya: UIN Sunan Ampel Press.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe management of zakat (tithe) which is the 3rd pillar of Islam in fact has not run based on the Sharia objective of zakat itself. Of course, it still needs a proper guidance and method in order to be appropriate to Sharia and the contextualization of era. Similar to what is being campaigned by Masdar Farid Mas’udirecently by reconstructing the meaning of zakat in order to be appropriate to the Sharia objective and the intention of zakat. Therefore, focus of this research was to revealing the meaning of zakat in recent meaning in the perspective of Masdar Farid Mas’udi especially in the matter of contextualization of sabilillah meaning. Methodology used were Content analysis and descriptive. The data collection was through interview and library research method. The results and conclusion of this research were: that the concept of sabilillahin zakat is the way of truth (sabil al-khair) in which the contextualization of its meaning is the way toward Allah’s blessing by doing virtue universally, either physically or non-physically, such as constructing the road, public facilities, paying security contribution fee, enforcing law and security, preserving art and culture, and all benefits related to human interests without considering tribe, race, gender, religion, and country, therefore, the teaching of the revelation of Islam as rahmatanlil ‘alamin(blessing for all universe) is really reached and maintained.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectMasdar Farid Mas’udiin_ID
dc.titleKontekstualisasi Makna Zakat: Studi Kritis Kosep Sabilillah Menurut Masdar Farid Mas’udiin_ID

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