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dc.contributor.authorSusila, Agna
dc.contributor.authorHendrawati, Heni
dc.contributor.authorKurniaty, Yulia
dc.identifier.citationUndang-undang No.39 Tahun 1947 Tentang Hukum Pidana Tentara Menyesuaikan Babinkum TNI, 2011, KUHPM dan KUHDT, Markas Besar Tentara Republik Indonesia. Bandung Salam, Moch. Faisal, 2002, Hukum Acara Pidana Militer Di Indonesia, Mandar Maju, , SH., MH, 2006, Hukum Pidana Militer Di Indonesia, Mandar Maju, Bandung. Moeljatno, 1987, Azas-azas Hukum Pidana, PT Bina Akasara, Jakarta Marzuki, Peter Mahmud, 2005, Penelitian Hukum, Prenada Media, Jakarta Sudarto, 1990, Hukum Pidana 1, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Arief, Barda Nawawi, 2003, Kapita Selekta Hukum Pidana, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung , 2005, Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Dalam Perspektif Kajian Perbandingan, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung Remmelink, Jan, 2003, Hukum Pidana Komentar Atas Pasal-Pasal Terpentinng Dari Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana Belanda Dan Padanannya Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana Indonesia, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta Prasetyo, Teguh, 2005, Hukum Pidana Materiil, Karunia Alam, Yogyakarta. da-jiwa-korsa-548969.html, diunduh Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014, pkl.09.45 8/1638479/Oknum.Tentara.Pembakar.J uru.Parkir.di.Monas.Ditahan.dan.Dipec at.dari.TNI, diunduh Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014, pkl. 10.10 ak-pidana-kolonel-yakraman-yagus/, diunduh Selasa 19 Agustus 2014, pkl.10.45 ak-lanjut-pemberitaan-kompas-5-juni- 2014/, diunduh Selasa 19 Agustus 2014, pkl.10.50 mulyono-pandawa/sapta-marga- sumpah-prajurit-8-wajib-tni-untuk-tni- tribata-catur-prasetya-untuk- p/133663766834414, diunduh pada hari Rabu, 28 Januari 2015 pukul 17.00 WIBin_ID
dc.description.abstractSomeone with the status of Army personnel, when committing a crime then applied a special law because it relates to their status as Army personnel (KUHPM, Law Military Justice, Law Discipline Soldiers), a special law that has nothing to do with his status as members of the military (Domestic Violence Act, the Narcotics Law, the Law on Money Laundering) and laws of a general nature eg Codes. Therefore, the authors are interested in doing research with the title: Types of Military Crime in Magelang. Crime Military offender profiles that occur in Magelang, limited to offenders who comes from the unity of the Army, the number of cases as much as 34 and came from 7 unity is Akmil, Rindam, 0705 District Military Command, Armed III, Armed XI, RST. dr. Soedjono Magelang, Sub Denpom IV / 2-1 Magelang. The case is a matter that is dealt with by the High Military Oditurat II-11 Yogyakarta that during the period January 2013 - September 2014. Of the 34 cases mentioned there were 18 cases in the category of the Military Criminal Act, with details of 12 cases Desertion (in violation of Article 87 paragraph (1) 2nd jo paragraph (2) and 6 pieces KUHPM case Absence without permission (in violation of Article 86 1st KUHPM. This indicates that the level of military criminal offense, including a high 52.9% (18 cases out of 34 cases Oditurat handled by the High Military II-11 Yogyakarta). Of the 18 cases Crime milliter, the details are the 6 cases terminated Done (sentenced), 8 pieces of cases terminated 1A (in Absentia), 3 cases is still in the process of the trial, and 1 case is still in the stage of waiting for a decision from Keputusan Perwira Penyerah Perkara (Keppera).in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.titlePertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Tindak Pidana Militer Di Wilayah Magelangin_ID

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