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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Fitri Puji
dc.contributor.authorSufanti, Main
dc.contributor.authorMarkhamah, Markhamah
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to outline the results of testing the effectiveness of the educational model of religious tolerance through the biographical appreciation. The overall research is research development. This research has the research subjects Indonesian high school teacher, student, and a team of education experts religious tolerance. The research data derived from field data in the form of information about the application of the model in school. This information is obtained from teachers, students, and learning events when these models are applied. In the prototype development stage of the educational model used data collection techniques FGD and a check list. Validation data using triangulation techniques and discuss with colleagues and check the veracity of the information to the informant. Data analysis techniques with simple statistical analysis techniques, to compare the opinions of teachers and students before the model is applied as compared to after the model is applied. Results from this study explained that the testing of the effectiveness of the model of education through students conducted in the form of an experimental method (before-after). By comparison it can be concluded that the learning model of religious tolerance with the new model (using a biographical appreciation) is more effective than the old method (without appreciation biography). Comparison of the average value of the old system and the new model of performance is 40%: 86%. This shows that there is a difference between the use of educational models sigfnifikan religious tolerance with the biographical model without a biography.in_ID
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dc.subjectmodel of educationin_ID
dc.subjectreligious tolerancein_ID
dc.subjectappreciation biographyin_ID
dc.titleEfektivitas Model Pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama melalui Apresiasi Biografi Tokohin_ID

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