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dc.contributor.authorFathoni, Ahmad
dc.identifier.citationAnjani, S.D. 2013. Pelaksanaan Kenaikan Jabatan Fungsional Dosen di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lampung. Anwar, M.I. 2003. Administrasi Pendidikan dan Manajemen Biaya Pendidikan. Bandung: CV. Alfabeta. Arikalang JSL. 2013, How To Provide Mentoring On The Job Training, Human Resources Development. Bandung: UPI. Bestary,R. 2013.Pentingnya Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG) untuk Pengembangan Karir Guru. Diakses 14 April 2015. Bogdan, R.C, dan Biklen, S.K. 1998. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Third Edition. Boston: Ally and Bacon, Inc. Certo , S.C. 1994. Modern Management. New York: Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs. Fayol, H. 1949. General and Industrial Management. London: Pitman Publishing Company. Gaffar, Moh. Fakry. 1987. Perencanaan Pendidikan ; Teori Dan Metodologi. Jakarta : PPLPTK Dirjen Dikti Depdikbud Guba, E. G., dan Lincoln, Y. S. 1981. Effective Evaluation: Inproving the Esefulness of Evaluation Results Through Responsive and Naturalistic Approaches. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bas Publishers. Irhagustin.2013. Perencanaan Karier. ( normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x- none_17.html. diakses 16 April 2015. Miles, M. B., dan Huberman, a. M. 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage Publications. Mitchell, T. R. (1978). People In Organization; Under Standing Their Behaviors. New York : Mc Grow-Hill. Mulyasa.E. 2005. Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Stoner, J.A., Freeman, R.E. & Gilbert,D.A. 1995. Management. Sixth Edition. New Jersey: A. Simon & Schuster Company. Sugiyono, 2007. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Suharto, N. 2007. Pelaksanaan Penilaian Jabatan Fungsional Guru Sekolah Dasar. Diakses 10 Juni 2014 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Ulfatin, 2013, Metodologo Penelitian Kualitatif Di Bidang Pendidikan: Teori dan Aplikasinya, Malang, Bayumedia Utomo,S.2013. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Untuk Angka Kredit Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Bagi Guru. Widyaiswara, Papua. Yin, R. 1984. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage Publication.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of the research is to describe and find the substantive theory about: 1) How Principal apply the functional career development monitoring and evaluation of the teacher , 2) How Principal and evaluation team evaluating the functional career development aspects of the teacher, started from cumulative counting until they receive the letter of career upgrading decision from the National Eployment Agency, and 3) How Principal of Technical Management Unit Area give an follow up as a alternative of the functional career development on the three Primary Schools in the Sukoharjo, Central Java. This research used qualitative approach with multi-site studies. The datacollection is conducted through in-depth interview, observation, anddocumentation, performedrepeatedly. The data are analysed through modified analitic induction. The validity is achieved using technique and data source triangulation.The results of the research showedthatthe functionalcareer management of elementary school teachersinclude: 1): Assessment. It involves: (a) School Principals assessesthe feasibility ofthe proposalsubmission of teacherfunctionalcareer advancement, in cooperation with senior teacher; (b) In cooperation with the head of UPTD, the principal asseses the proposalsubmission of teacherfunctionalcareer advancement in education unit level. The instrument used is credit score system. Credit Score System is the score given based on the achievement made by the teacher in doing the activities listed as the requirement for teacherfunctionalcareer advancement. (4) Follow-up of assessment: The principal in cooperation with the head of UPTD follow-up and design planning, implementation and assessment; self-development is conducted through professional education and training and professional support; Scientific publications is conducted through mentoring and In On In (IOI); and innovative work is through education and training and mentoring. Follow-up is tailored to the needs, interests, andcompetence.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectprogram developmentin_ID
dc.subjectteacher’s functional careerin_ID
dc.titleMonitoring dan Evaluasi Program Pengembangan Karier Fungsional Guru Pada Tiga Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kabupaten Sukoharjo.in_ID

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