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dc.contributor.authorHerawati, Isnaini
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Wahyuni
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dc.description.abstractHypertension is predicted as causing of worldwide diseases for 4.5%. Its prevalence is nearly as large in developing countries and in developed countries. The raising of hypertension case is predicted for about 80% in 2025 occurred in developing countries. Many kind of treatment for hypertension, one of them is breathing control exercise. The aim of This study is to examine the effect of breathing control exercise on blood pressure and heart rate among patients with essential hypertension. 22 adult patients with range from 40 – 72 years old involved by this treatment. They breath with a frequency 6 times/minute every day for 4 weeks. Blood pressure is measured by digital spygmomanometer (Omron, SEM-1 Japan). There was lowering in systolic blood pressure 0.91 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 1.81 mm Hg, Heart Rate 4.08 x/min, and pulse pressure increased 0.91 mmHg. Comparing the pre and post treatment mean value of heart rate, revealed statistically significant. If the exercise is continued and become routine every day, blood pressure can be decreased in stages, so that breathing control can be a non- pharmacological treatment of patients with hypertension.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectBreathing control exercisein_ID
dc.subjectblood pressurein_ID
dc.subjectessential hypertensionin_ID
dc.titleManfaat Latihan Pengaturan Pernafasan Untuk Menurunkan Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi Primerin_ID

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