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dc.contributor.authorFatoni, Rois
dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Tika
dc.contributor.authorMikasasari, Rizki Purnama
dc.identifier.citationWinar no, F. G. 1997. K imia Panga n dan gizi. Gra media. Jakarta Siska , M. dan Henr ia di, 2012, Perancangan ulang tata letak fas ilitas pa br ik tahu da n penerapa n metode 5S, Jurna l I lmia h Teknik I ndustr i, 11(2) :144-153. Rusdjijati, R., dkk, 2013, Standar isas i produk guna me ningkatka n daya sa ing IKM tahu di kota Mage lang, Se minar Nas iona l Teknologi Tera pan. , 23 Nove mber 2013. Sura baya. Indones ia. Ha l. I-55 – I-60. Fatoni, R., 2013, Rekomendas i standar sis tem siste m kese la matan untuk steam boiler di pabr ik tahu, Se minar Nasiona l Te knologi Terapan. , 23 Nove mber 2013. Sura baya. Indones ia. Hal. K- 1 – K-6.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe use of steam as heating media in tof u production process can save the total production cost in tof u industry. However, the effort to encourage the migra tion f rom trad ition al heating method s to the use of steam as h eating media faces some obstacles. Better data and detailed information abou t the benefits of using steam are needed to help the campa ign of such migra tion. Techn o-economic stud ies on existing tofu plants in Pemalang region was carried out by examining and compa ring tof u plants with and without steam as heating media. It was found that using steam as heating media can increase the net profit up to 61%; f rom the average profit of Rp 408,303 to Rp 657,917 per 10 0 kg of processed soybean.Contrary to the previously thought, the increase do es not come from the energy cost efficiency, but it comes from the increased sales due to the better yield of the processed soybean .in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjecttechno-economic studyin_ID
dc.subjecttofu industriesin_ID
dc.subjectsteam injectionin_ID
dc.titleKajian Tekno-Ekonomis Pabrik Tahu di Kabupaten Pemalang Jawa Tengahin_ID

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