Asesmen Ukuran dan Lokasi Tapis Pasif Harmonik untuk Mitigasi Distorsi Beban Tak Linier
The extensive application of nonlinear load s in domestic and indu strial activities has introd uced a distortion in po wer system voltage. The nonlinear relation of voltage and current of the devices leads to the existence of higher frequency voltage compo nents causing the system voltage is no longer sinusoidal. These compo nents are called harmon ic and the measure of the distortion on system voltage is expressed by Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage (THDv). The use of the ha rmonic generating devices may lead to some po wer qua lity problems such as additional system loss, d estruction of system component, error meter reading, relay failure and uncontrolled voltage increment. It is therefore necessary to block the harmonic compon ents injected by nonlinea r loads using harmonic filter and to escape the distortion spreading to the entire system. This pa per presents an assessment of filter size an d location and its impact on mitiga tion of harmonic distortion. The filters are tentatively designed and the system improvements are investigated. The strategy is implemented on the IEEE 18-bus distribution system to demonstrate the capab ility of the f ilter to sup press the distortion.