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dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Noor
dc.identifier.citationAstuti, Esthi Widi. 2012. Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan terhadap perubahan pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet fe (Ferrum) Di rumah bersalin Sri Lumintu Surakarta. Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan. Uni versitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Departemen Kesehatan RI. Pedoman (2007) Pelayanan Antenatal. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan Fatimah St. Bahar Burhanuddin 2011. Pola Konsumsi dan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil Di Kabupaten Maros Sulawesi Selatan. Makara Kesehatan Vol. 15. No.1 Juni. Hal 31-36 Horowitz, KM. Ingardia CJ. 2013. Anemia in pregnancy. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine. Volume 33. Issue 2, June 2013. Page 281-291 Indian Council of Medical Research. Evaluation of the National Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme. Task Force Study. New Delhi: ICMR, 1989. Manuaba, IBG (1998). Ilmu Kebidanan, Penyakit kandungan dan Keluarga Berencana untuk Pendidikan Bidan. EGC. Jakarta Meilani, N. 2009. Kebidanan Komunitas. Yogyakarta. Fitramaya Milman N, Bergholt T ,Byg K.E,Erikson L,Gradual N.Iron status and balance during pregnancy .A critical reappraisal of iron supplementation .Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand 1999:78 749- 57 Mirzaie, Fatimah MD. Eftekhari, Nahid MD. 2010.Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine Vol.8. No.2 pp 66-69 Putri Ulfa R, 2014. Hubungan antara Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Pada Trimester Ketiga dengan Antropometri Bayi baru lahir di RSPAD G atot Soebroto DITKESAD. Skripsi. Universitas islam Negeri Syarih Hidayatullah Jakarta. Senanayake, HM. Premaratne, 2010. Simpel educational intervention will improve the efficacy of routine antenatal iron supplementation. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. Jun;36(3):646-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01197.x Sharma J.B. Nutritional anemia during pregnancy in non industrial countries, Progress in Obst. & Gynae (Studd)2003, vol -15,103-122. WHO. 2003. Maternal Mortalityi in 2000. Departement Of reproductive Health and Research Wijayanti, T (2011). Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Standart Pelayanan Kehamilan Terhadap Kunjungan Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Gemolong Sragen . Jurnal Kebidanan. Vol. V No. 02 Desember 2013. http://Journal. World Health Organisation .The prevalence of anemia in pregnancy, WHO Tehnical reports (1992-1993 16. Centers for disease Control ,Criteria for anemia in children and childbearing aged women .MMWR 1989;38:400-4 World Health Organization .The prevalence of anemia in women: A Tabulation of Available Information; second edition .Geneva: WHO, 1992. (WHO/MCH/MSM/92.2). Wundhasary, D (2012) Analisis Mutu Pelayanan Antenatal Care di Puskesmas Wonrely Kabupaten Maluku Barat daya Provinsi Maluku. Fakultas uni versitas masyarakat, universitas hasanudin (Internet) (Diakses 2013, Juli 1). Available from
dc.description.abstractThe result of basic health research 2013 shows that the prevalence of anemia was 37.1%. This total ha s increased than the result of basic health research in 2007 with the anemia prevalence was 33 .8% 8 Pregn ant women who are anemic may result in death of the fetus in the womb, abo rtion, birth defects, low birth weight, anemia in infants who are born, it causes morbidity and mother mortality an d perinatal mortality was sign ificantly higher. This study aims to determine the education information commun ication and the giving of Fe tablets with anemia. The design of this stud y was cross-sectional, 48 pregnant woman in third trimester as the sample. The result of Education Information commun ication research that given to midwif e abo ut 60.42% Fe tablets a re no t given the righ t information and education about the tablet Fe 39.58% are given the righ t inf ormation and education. Giving 90 Fe during pregnancy, 68,8% ha s no t been fulfilled and 31 .3% already fulf illed 90 tablets. The incidence of medium anemia was 62.5% and light anemia 37 .5%. There is a relation ship between the education information communication about the tablet Fe and the an emia of third trimester pregnant women (p value 0.003), there is a relation ship between the giving Fe tablet minimu m 90 and the an emia of third trimester pregna nt women (0.0001). Su ggested for the medical professiona l to give the comprehensive education information communication ab out the Fe tablet so it can reduce the incidence of anemia.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectEducation Information Communicationin_ID
dc.subjectFe Tablet, Anemiain_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Edukasi dan Pemberian Tablet Zat Besi dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Kehamilan Trimester IIIin_ID

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