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dc.contributor.authorCholifah, Noor
dc.identifier.citationAnik Maryunani, U. A. (2009). Pencegahan Penularan HIV dari Ibu ke Bayi. Jakrta: Trans Info Media. Catumbela, E. (2013,). Definition of a core set of quality indicators for. Catumbelaet al. BMC Health Services Research , 13:236. Dr.Nursalam, M. d. (2007). Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Pasien Terinfeksi HIV/AIDS. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Drs.Alex Sobur, M. (2003). PSIKOLOGI UMUM Dalam Lintas Sejarah. In M. Drs.Alex Sobur, PSIKOLOGI UMUM Dalam Lintas Sejarah (pp. 504-522). Bandung: Pustaka Setia. Drs.Sunaryo, M. (2005). PSIKOLOGI UNTUK KEPERAWATAN. Jakarta: EGC. Fauzi, L. S. (2008, Mei 18). Sebuah Pendekatan untuk Hidup Bermakna. Retrieved November 25, 2013, from Logoterapi: 5/11/logoterapi-sebuah-pendekatan- untuk-hidup-bermakna/ Gaskin, S,.dan Lyons, M.A. (2000).“Self care practice of rural people with HIV Disease”.Online journal of rural nursing and health care.Vol. 1. No. Hlm. 18-27 Gutmann and David. (1996). Logotheraphy – For The Helping Professional : Meaningfull Social Work. New York, Springer Publishing, P : 48 – 56 Kadera SW., Lambert MJ. and Andrew AA. 1996. How Much Therapy Is Suliswati, S. A. (2004). Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa. Jakarta: EGC. Utami, P. (2012, November Jumat). 1. Really Enough? A Session-by- Retrieved November Jumat, 2013, Session Analysis of the from 108 Orang di Jateng Psychotherapy Dose-Effect Relationship; Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 5: 132-151. Notoatmodjo, S. (2007). Kesehatan Masyarakat Ilmu&Seni. Jakarta: PT.RINEK A CIP TA. Patricia A.Potter, A. G. (2005). FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING. Jakarta: EGC. Meninggal karena HIV/ AIDS : 12/11/30/20163658/108.Orang.di.J ateng.Meninggal.karena.HIV/AIDS . Widoyono, M. (2011). PENYAKIT TROPIS. Jakarta: Erlangga.in_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground :HIV/AIDS is a disease that until now have not found a cure. Emotional distress and psychological stress sex perienced by people with HIV/AID Simpact on self- esteem (Setyaningsih, and Abdullah, 2012). Logotherapy aims to improveself-esteem through the process of discovery of the meaning of life. Found from interviews in Peer Support Group(KDS) Kasih 10 people with HIV/AIDS sufferers in mind that all statesinitially hada very strong depressi on to almost commit suicide ewhen he learned tha the was infected with HIV/AIDS, especially when knowing the reactions of people around them(family andfriends). Method : The method used in this study is quesy experimental pre-post test with countrol group. The population sample of 62 people with 38 respondents. Purposive sampling techniques. Result showed the intervention group (p = 0.001 <0.05) while the control group (p = 0.332> 0.05). so there are differences in self- esteem in clients with HIV / AIDS before and after logotherapy paradoxical intensionin_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectHIV / AIDSin_ID
dc.subjectlogotherapy Paradoxical intensionin_ID
dc.titlePerbedaan Harga Diri pada Klien HIV/ AIDS Sebelum dan Sesudah Logoterapi Paradoxical Intension di Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Kasihin_ID

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