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dc.contributor.authorRusnoto, Rusnoto
dc.identifier.citation. 2002. Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (Prinsip – PrinsipDasar).Jakarta: Rineka C ipta. __ . 2008. Sikap Manusia Teori-teori Pengukurannya. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2013. 2009. Ajis , E. , Mulyani, N. S., Dibyo P. Hubungan Antara Faktor-Faktor Eksternal dengan Kejadian Penyakit TB pada Balita di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi Riau. (Online). Angraeni, Dini Siti. 2011. Stop! Diabetes. Bogor : cita Insan Madani Azwar , Saifuddin. 2009. Metode Penelitian. Jogjakarta : Pustaka Pelajar. Crofton, J. , Horne N., dan Miller F. Tuberkulosis Klinis. Widya Medika , Jakarta. 2005 Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Pedoman Nasional Penanggu langanTuberkulosis Paru cetakan ke 6, Jakarta, 2002 Departemen Kesehatan RI , Pedoman Penyakit Tuberkulosis dan Penanggu langannya : Jakarta, 2002 Departemen Kesehatan RI, Strategi Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis Indonesia 2006-2010 : Jakarta , 2007 Depkes RI , Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, 2010 Depkes RI.. Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan .http://www. Diakses tanggal 25 desember 2013.2002 Dinas Kesehatan RI. 2009. Profil Kesehatan Jawa Tengah 2008. Semarang: Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 829 Menkes SK/VII/1999 Tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan Perumahan Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2010. Metodologi Studi Penelitian Kesehatan . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Rahajoe. NN. 2005. Pedoman Nasional Tuberkulosis. Jakarta: UKK Pulmonologi PDIDAI. Sugiono. 2004. Statistika untuk Penelitian. Edisi 2 . Bandung: Alfabeta Suyono, pokok Bahan Modul Perumahan nakes 2005 dan pemukiman Sehat, Pusdik , Teten Zalmi, Faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian Tuberkulosisparu di wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padang Pasir, 2008 Widoyono, Penyakit Tropis : Erlangga : Jakarta, 2005 World Health Organization, Dalam; Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis, Jakarta, 2005. Diakses tanggal 23 Desemberin_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground: TB disease attack s the most productive age group, low income an d low education. Pulmon ary TB disease is still a deadly disease in Indonesia. Based on data from DKK (Health Of fice) in Kudus Regency in 2013, the highest nu mber of TB patien ts from 18 health centers in health centers that Ngemplak with 52 cases. Second in as man y as 31 cases Teak health center, health center Ngembal Kulon in 30 cases, 30 cases o f PHC Purwosari. While the health center at least the number of cases were 11 cases Rendeng health center. Objective: To investigate the relation ship history of a family me mber's illness an d environmental condition s with the incidence of TB in the region of the District Ngemplak Puk esmas Undaan Kudus District. Methods: This stud y is an analytic su rvey. The app roach used in this stud y was cross-sectional. The population in this stud y were patients with Pulmon ary Tuberculosis in the District Pusk esmas Ngemplak Unda an Kud us Regency in December 20 13 as man y as 32 patients. 32 samples were used. The analysis used un ivariate an d bivariate analysis using chi square. The results of the stud y Based on the research results of respondents with a family history of the disease in a catego ry are not as man y as 11 people (34.4%) and that the yes category 21 persons (65.6%). Respondents with less ho using cond ition s were 22 p ersons (68.8%), respondents with the cond ition of the ho use is p retty much as 4 people (12.5%) and respondents with good condition of the house as much as 6 people (18 .8%). Respon dents with BTA (+) or in the yes categ ory by 22 people (68.8%) and were no t as man y as 10 peop le (31.2%). There is a family history of disease association with the incidence of TB in the region of the District Ngemplak Puk esmas Undaan Kudu s District. There is a relation ship of environmental condition s with the incidence of TB in the region of the District Ngemplak Puk esmas Unda an Kudus District. Con clusion : There is a relation ship of environmental conditions with the incidence of TB in the region of the District Ngemplak Puk esmas Un daan Kudusin_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectHistory Diseasesin_ID
dc.subjectConditions housein_ID
dc.subjectpulmonary TBin_ID
dc.titleHubungan Riwayat Penyakit TB Anggota Keluarga dan Kondisi Rumah dengan Terjadinya Penyakit TB Paru pada Pasien di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngemplakin_ID

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