Hubungan Komunikasi Antara Orang Tua dan Anak dengan Agresivitas Pada Anak Usia Remaja di SMK X Magelang
A phenomenon that is very alarming today is the violence among teenagers. The actions include verbal abuse (berate) and physical violence (hitting, punching, brawl, etc.). The ignored ag gressiveness’, in adolescence will be a juvenite deliquence, typical behavior of juvenile delinquency, which will affect the subsequent development of ado lescents (Kno rth, et al, 20 07). Encouragement of agg ressiveness in adolescence caused their tran sition who se development requires a sense of security, affection, and the need for a sense of self-respect. Manifested aaffection given by parents in the form of intimate and open communication become a vital necessity for the child. A warm an d good commun ication will ha ve an impa ct on a discipline situation that can be maintained, the good values can be instilled and the bad values can be pressed. The research is aimed to find out the communication relation ship between parent and child by agg ressiveness in children adolescence. The research used cross sectional approach. The results of the research sho wn a signif ican t relationship between pa rents and child commun ication to the aggressiveness in children ado lescence (ρ = 0.000).