Pendidikan, Vol. 19, No. 2, Desember 2007 100 MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR MELALUI KELOMPOK BELAJAR INFORMAL: Studi Kelompok Informal Siswa SMA di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Abstract: We realized the need of increasing study achievement for the students. School has the
obligation for increasing study achievement for all of the students, including students who have
serious problem in study. The characteristic of them, such as: passive, irritate, not focus in study,
afraid, and avoid the teachers and counselor. The research used ethnography approach, choosing
human resources and guidance teachers, collecting data used in dept interview. Data analysis model
is done with regularly data. The research result shows that students study achievement can be
increased by giving a good chance to find out suitable friends, to take a part in school organization,
an opportunity to perform, and the need of achievement.