Korelasi Lama Menyusui dan Status Sosial Ekonomi dengan Kualitas Hidup Ibu
The qua lity of life is an indicator of health status. Maternal qua lity of life can be seen from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding provides man y benefits for both mother and baby. The benefits include sho rt-term breastfeeding accelerating uterine involution, delaying ovulation, increasing relaxation, bond ing attachment, and inf luencing health status, physical function and maternal mental health. Socioeconomic status is a determina nt of health that affects quality of life. The pu rpose of this study was to f ind out the correlation between the du ration of breastfeeding and the socioeconomic status as o ne of the aspects that might improve mothers’ q ua lity of life. This was a n an alytic study with cross-sectional ob servational approach. The popu lation in this study were 140 mothers who breastfed in subd istricts Kaliwungu, City, Da we, Jek ulo and Undaan in Kudus district who met the inclusion criteria by using multistag e sampling. Data collected were analyzed by un ivariable, bivariab le with Spearman rank correlation test and multivariab le linear regression an alysis. The quality of life was measured by questionnaire Short-form 36 and the socioeconomic status was based on the amount of mon thly expenditure.As the result, we found a po sitive correlation between the duration of breastfeeding and the qua lity of life (r=0.430, p<0.001), a nega tive correlation between the socioeconomic status an d the health related qua lity of life (r=-
0.342, p<0.001). As the result of linear regression there was a correlation between health related
qu ality of life and the du ration of breastfeeding ( r=0.423, p <0.001). Conclusion in this study is breastfeeding for six months may improve mother’s qu ality of life, while socio-economic status do es not affect mothers’ qua lity of life.