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dc.contributor.authorMilwati, Susi
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Tavip Dwi
dc.contributor.authorLundy, Fiashriel
dc.identifier.citationAndr ia ni, D. (2003). Pe manfaa tan paket multimedia dalam sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh: Pengalaman Universitas Terbuka, dalam tek nologi pembelajaran: Upaya peningkatan kualitas dan produk tivitas SDM. Editor Dew i Padmo. Jakarta: Pusat Penerbita n U nivers itas Terbuka. Dorner , D. G. & Gorma n., G. E. (2011) Con textual factors affecting learning in Laos and the implications for inf ormation literacy edu cation. Informat ion Research. vo l. 16 no. 2, June ,DI a kses di :http://informat 2/paper479.html , pada : Juli 2012 Doenges, Mar ilynn E. Rencana Asuhan Perencanaand an Pendokumentasian Perawatan Pasien. T e r j I M a d e K a r ia s a ( e t a l. ) . Jakarta : EGC, 1999.P r ic e , Learning Theories Knowle dge base (2012, July). Cog nitive Theo ry of Multimedia Learning (Mayer) at Learning - Theo Dia keses pada : July 4th, 2012 dar i http://www. learning- theories.c om/cognit ive-theor y-of- multime dia- learning- mayer.h tml Merr iam-webster (_ ) Video . D iakses di http://www. Learners dict ionary. com/search/vide o pa da 4 Juli 2012 Nila K. Windrat i. , N.K. & As ih., I.W. (__ ). Prog ram Video Interak tif : So lusi Mencapai Kompetensi Mata Kuliah Prak tis Program Studi Ilmu Ko munik asi di Perguruan Tingg i Jarak Jauh (PTJJ) Universitas Terbuka. Di akses di :http://www. lppm. blikas i/0 4.pdf pada 4 Juli 2012 Pitoyo., A.Z. , Kr is tianto. , Y , Ernawat i., Y.E. (2011). Perancangan dan Evaluasi Penerapan E-learning Poltekk es Kemenk es Malang. Laporan Pelak san aan Risbinakes Poltekk es Kemenk es Malang Tahun 2011. Tidak diter bitkan. Priba di, B , A & Putr i, D.P . (2001) .Ragam media dalam pembelaj aran . Jakarta: Pusat Penerbitan U nivers itas Terbuka. Sme ltzer , Suza nne C. Buk u Ajar Keperawatan Medik al Bedah Brunner & Suddarth Ed 8, Terj: Agung Waluyo (et al.). Jakarta :EGC, 2001 Sy lv ia A , 20 0 5. Patofisiologi : Konsep Klinis Pros es- Proses Penyak it Ed 6. Te r j :Brahm U. Pendit (et al.). Jakarta :EGC, 2005.in_ID
dc.description.abstractAbstract, Multi media Interactive Learning is a learning app lication that is inten ded to deliver a message of learning of k nowledge, sk ills an d attitudes in order to stimulate the mind, feelings, concerns and willingness of students to learn so intentionally learning occurs, aim an d control. Thus multi media interactive learning is a media that is designed for students to learn independ ently, active an d controlled. The stud y design was a Research Development (Design Research). The pu rpose of this research is to develop an interactive multi media-based teaching materials softsk ill Universal Precaution use in nursing HIV-AIDS. A sample nu mber: 40 people. The sampling technique used pu rposive sampling. Data collection instrument using questionnaire an d observation sheet. Analysis of data using frequency distributions and Chi-square test with α = 0:05 . The results showed that Ada inf luence the development of Learning Media Video PPE with Universal Precaution use, based on the analysis Chi-squa re test p value = 0.000 (<0.05) an d there is a statistically sign ificant relation ship between the use of Universal Precaution with Attitude of Students, the value of p = 0.000 (<0.05). Recommendations for further research are researchers Effect of Instructional Media Development Aga inst Health Education to the public .in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectMedia Development Universal Precautionin_ID
dc.subjectuse Universal Precaution and Student Attitudesin_ID
dc.titlePengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Interaktif pada Softskill Penggunaan APD dalam Keperawatan HIV AIDS Mahasiswa Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Malangin_ID

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