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dc.contributor.authorSetyowati, Ratini
dc.contributor.authorPurwidodo, Purwidodo
dc.identifier.citationAnxietyBC. Resource, Results, Relief. How To Solve Daily Life Problems. lt/files/ProblemSolving.pdf. Brown H. Douglas. 2008. Prinsip Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa. USA: Pearson Education. Budiasih. September 2007. Communicative Teaching Strategies in Speaking Class of University Students. Surakarta: Jurnal Sastra dan Bahasa Vol.5 No2. September 2007. Finding Nemo. Nemo. Hillman, Wandy.2013.Learning How to Learn : Problem Based Learning. James Cook University. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. Volume 28, Issue 2, Artcle 1. gi?article=1337&context=ajte Jones, B. D.,Expler, C.M., Mokri, P.Bryant, L.H,.& Paretti, M.C. 2013. Learning Experience on Students‟ Motivation inEngineering Capstone Courses. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem- based-Learning.Vol 7. Issue 2. /iss2/2/ Kokomaking D. Joakim, Handoyo, Pujo. Tsardosslapito. 1998. Keep on Conversing. A compilation of speaking materials for conversation classes.Jakarta. ABA pertiwi- BBC INTERNATIONAL. Nandi. 2008. Pariwisata dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya manusia. Jurnal “GEA” Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi. Vol. 8, No.1. April 2008. R._PEND._GEOGRAFI/1979010120 05011- NANDI/artikel%20jurnal/Artikel_di_ Jurnal_GEA.pdf Newman, Mark J. 2005. Problem Based Learning: an Introduction and Overview of the Key Features of the Approach. Journal of verinary. JVMC 32(1). s/321/12.pdf. Setyowati, Ratini. Purwidodo, Baharudin, M Wahyu, Ratnasari, Endah Dwi.2014. An Analysis of English Mastery to Increase the Accuracy Codefication of Coders at Hospitals in Surakarta. Yogyakarta: International Conference Proceedings 18-21 February 2014. Timur, Fitri Bintang. 2012. Why We Need A „Gender Equality‟ Bill. The Jakarta Post. Tue, July 17 2012. Walker, Andrew & Leary, Heather.2009. A Problem Based Learning Meta Analysis: Diff erences Across Problem Types, Implementation Types, Disciplines, and Assessment Levels. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning. volume 3, no. 1 (Spring 2009). problemBasedLearningMetaAnalysis DifferencesAcrossProbl_1226201291 318.pdf West, R. E, Williams, G.S & Williams, D.D 2013. Improving Problem-Based Learning in Creative Communities Through Effective Group Evaluation. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem- based-Learning. Vol 7 Issue2.
dc.description.abstractMastery of foreign languages, especially English is very important for students, but a monotonous learning model making English communication competence of students cannot develop properly. Therefore, researchers are interested in using learning model Problem Based Learning (PBL) for the improvement of communication skills in English. The purpose of this study is to know how big is the influence of the PBL learning model or Problem Based Learning on improving communication competence (Communicative Competence) English students. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative with 32 samples of AKPARTA Mandala Bakti Surakarta students of 2013/2014 academic year. Based on t-test, the result of the research showed that p = 0.00 and r = 0.939 for p <0.05 then Ho is rejected, that means there is a difference between students‟ English competence before applying PBL model on teaching learning process and after applying PBL model for teaching learning process.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectProblem Based Learningin_ID
dc.subjectCommunicative Competencein_ID
dc.titlePenerapan Pembelajaran PBL untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa di Akparta Mandala Bakti Surakartain_ID

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