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dc.contributor.authorSukardi, Mas
dc.identifier.citationBSNP. (2006). Standar nasional pendidikan. Jakarta: BSNP BSNP. (2006). Standar kompetensi lulusan.. Jakarta: BSNP. Darmiyati Zuchdi. (2009). Pendidikan karakter grand design dan nilai-nilai target. Yogyakarta: UNY Press. Doni Koesoema, A. (2010). Pendidikan karakter. Jakarta: Grasindo. Jazuli. (2008). Paradigma kontekstual pendidikan seni. Surabaya:Unesa University Press. Lickona, T. (1992). Educating for character, how our schools can teach respect. Respect and Responsibility. New York: Bantam Books. Linderman, Earl. (1977). Art & crafts for the classroom.USA:Macmillan Publishing Company. Tim Pendidikan Karakter, (2010). Grand design pendidikan karakter. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional Tranggono, Indra.(26 April 2010). Pendidikan Karakter. Kedaulatan Rakyat. Hal 27.in_ID
dc.description.abstractMany adverse events befall our nation today, including high criminality rate, corruption case rate, and poor law enforcement. These events make our nation as if encountering prolonged ethic and self-confidence crises. Considering the reality, value/moral education is actually required, based on argument that there is a profound and urgent need. In Permendiknas (National Education Minister’s Regulation) No.45/2006 each SKL formulation implicitly and explicitly contains value/character substances. Kindergarten teachers throughout Mojolaban Sub District of Sukoharjo Regency have large role and responsibility in relation to educating the children who have no knowledge and experience because kindergarten children newly know education. Learning should be consistent with KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum) and curriculum has standard to be achieved. Kindergarten teachers throughout Mojolaban Sub District with the stipulation to be complied with have not been able to implement it maximally. They have not had it yet. The problems the partners encountered included: The Kindergarten teachers throughout Mojolaban Sub District have not had experience yet in batik learning that can grow cultural education aspects in providing character education to the nation generation. In this activities, the object of training were Kindergarten teachers throughout Mojolaban Sub District consisting of 15 teachers with training duration for 4 hours conducted on April 2014 at 08.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m. The result of training showed that 85% of kindergarten teachers throughout ojolaban Sub District had been able to produce batik in producing handkerchief, cloth, batik for dressing tissue container, and other handicraft and only 15% of them were incapable of producing batik. It was because of age factor so that the participants were difficult to understand the presenter’s explanation so and different patience and persistence levels from one person to another, but it had belonged to successful category because only 15% of teachers did not master in pretest and in the posttest it improved very significantly consistent with the presenter’s expectation. This training could be used as the example for cultural art-based learning to develop the nation generation character educationin_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectNation generation character educationin_ID
dc.titleBatik Training for Kindergarten Teachers Throughout Mojolaban Sub District of Sukoharjo Regency to Improve Character Education Learning for The Nation Generationin_ID

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