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dc.description.abstract | The aim of this CAR is to increase the ability of critical and creative thinking of the
students in solving the problem in Introductory Basic Mathematics Subject by using constructivism
method. This research was done at PGSD Program FKIP-UMS. Data were collected by observation,
field note, and review, then, analyzed by descriptive qualitative with spiral model. The results of
this research are (1) there is an increase in critical thinking in solving the problem that are
realized in four aspects: a. understanding what will be looked for, b. understanding what has been
recognized, c. understanding the formula which is used to solve the problem, d. ability in organizing
the steps used, (2) there is an increase in creative thinking in solving the problem that are realized
in two aspects: a. active in question promoting, b. active in giving feedback toward their friends
and the lectures, (3) there is a good result in learning mathematics. | en_US |