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dc.contributor.authorAnwar, Syamsul
dc.contributor.authorAfrizalmi, Lonny
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dc.description.abstractThe cement industry is one of energy-intensive industries. The industry needs energy (thermal and electricity) including coal and solar. In particular, the increase in consumption of fossilbased energy may increase the amount of pollutants besides its availability is increasingly limited. Energy consumption is one important indicator in sustainable manufacturing of the cement industry. This study aims to evaluate energy efficiency rate and to propose potensial energy savings in cement plants. The study was conducted in a cement manufacturer in Indonesia. The main data is secondary data that took from the monthly performance report of PT X. The efficiency rate was measured by the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. The input-oriented DEA-CCR model used to see how efficient the plants in using energy resources. There are three evaluated plants (A, B, and C) during 12 months in year X. There are four indices of input ; electricity consumption (in KWH / ton cement), heat consumption (in kcal/ kg clinker), coal consumption (in ton/ ton clinker), solar consumption (in liter), and one indice of output ; amount of cement producted (in ton). The solving of DEA models were solved by DEAP version 2.1 that gives all of DMU’s efficiency values. The result of the study indicates plant C has the highest efficiency of 86,7%, followed by plant A of 63,1 % and plant B of 61,5%. The overall efficiency of plants is at sub-optimal level of 70,4% on average which needs to be further improved. The study also provides an overview of the potential ways to improve energy efficiency of cement plants by referring to the literatures.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectcement plantsin_ID
dc.subjectinput orientedin_ID
dc.titleAn Evaluation Of Energy Efficiency in Cement Plants Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approachin_ID

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