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dc.contributor.authorPurnama, Herry
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Nur
dc.contributor.authorErawati, Emi
dc.identifier.citationAldafrizal, 2006, Penggunaan Agen Hayati Tekan Biaya Produksi hingga 60 Persen,, diakses 20 Januari 2016 Bidochka, M.J. and Khachatourians, G. 1990. Identification of Beuveria bassiana extracellular protease as a virulence factor in pathogenicity toward the migratory grasshopper, Melanophus sanguinipos. J. Invertebratae Pathol. 56:362-370 Eyal, J., J.F. Walter, L. Osborne and Zdenek, L. 1994. Methode For Production and Use of Phatogenic Fungal Preparation For Pest Control. US. Patent No.5,360,607. Kleespies, R. G., and Zimmermann, G. 1992. Production of blastospores by three strains on Metarhizium anisopliae and B.bassiana in sub merged culture. Biol. Control Sci. and Technol. 2:127–135. LMTO, 2008,, diakses 17 Februari 2016 Morales, E. and H. Rochling. 1998. Water Dispersible Granules of Spore or Live Beauveria bassiana. US Patent 5,730,973. Quimby, P.C, A.J. Caesar, L.J. Birdsall, C.D. Boyette, N.K. Zidack and W.E. Grey. 2002. Granulated Formulation and Methode For Stabilizing Biocontrol Agents. US Patent No. 6,455,036 B1. Suiatna, R. Utju, 2009, Go Organic 2010: Akankah Berlalu menjadi Sekedar Wacana?,, diakses 1 Maret 2016in_ID
dc.description.abstractSince Indonesian government has launched Go Organic 2010 to endorsed organic agriculture, the development of organic farming is growing fast although there are some various problems behind such as market constraints, the relatively high price of organic products, and consumer’s interest. The high demand of organic products is related to the public understanding of the better healthy food. The sustainability in organic farming cannot be separated from the economic, environmental, and social dimension. Organic farming is not limited to just substitute the use of synthetic external intake like fertilizers and pesticides, but also the utilization of natural resources in a sustainable, healthy food production and energy efficiency. This paper will tell about the preparation of biological agent to be used as pesticides to control plant diseases. The use of biopesticides has many advantages compare to synthetic chemical pesticides. Biological agents can be microorganisms, either naturally occurring such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa, as well as the result of genetic engineering used to control pests. The preparation of biological agents isolated from a fungus Beauveria bassiana which an entomopathogenic fungi was carried out in liquid method. Liquid product has an advantage in terms of the production process more efficient and practical in use. By using the biopesticides can reduce the use of chemical pesticide and will reduce the cost of agriculture significantly and it is expected to have positive impact in the development of organic farming in Indonesia as well as improving welfare of farmers. The manufacturing of B. bassiana biopesticide was done to support organic farms. From literature, it was proven by applying organic farming can increase the unhulled rice up to 7.5 ton per hectare compared with 4.5 ton per hectare in non-organic farming. In calculation, farmers can earn money more than 50% rather than in conventional farming. So, in terms of feasibility, financially it can be seen from the BEP (break even point), rasio B / C (benefit cost), and ROI (return on investment) which shows great results.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectbiological agentin_ID
dc.subjectBeauveria bassianain_ID
dc.titleAgen Hayati untuk Pengembangan Pertanian Organik dan Peningkatan Ekonomi Petaniin_ID

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